Welcome to the Wholly Made Life™ podcast: ReClaim your Whole Life, Tap into God-Sized Fulfillment for the Success Driven Woman, Mama, Wife, Sister. Taking Courageous Action to Restore Faith & Fulfillment in your Motherhood, Mission, Marriage, & Mindset: You can be a Faith-Led Mama, Have a God-Led Marriage, Walk in Inspired Confidence, create Bold Balanced Boundaries, and live with a Holy-Spirited Mindset. You can have your Wholly Made Life™, where I believe that you are not created to do just one thing in your life well. You are not just your job, your title or your salary. You're not just a mom or sister. Maybe you're feeling a little burnt out, overwhelmed, or restless. But, You are fearfully and wonderfully made to lead in all areas of your whole life. Your life is like a pie that's made up of different pieces that create a complete circle and girl, you deserve to enjoy the whole pie. Hi, I'm Angie Tonini-Rogers, I was a Chief Nursing Officer (Nurse Leader), specialty in behavioral health, & turned Balance and Boundary Coach, and Intentional Life Coach. Look, girl friend, I know you are really good at what you do in your career (profession, business), but if you're ready to stop ignoring different pieces of your pie and reclaim your Whole Life, then you are in the right place. Girl, let's tap into your Whole Life God has for you and experience that God-size fulfilled life together. We're going to walk through some boundaries, leadership, mindset, and restoration in different areas of your life, that may need to change. We're going to take some bold, courageous actions to rediscover fulfillment in all areas of your life, regaining that balance you're longing for. You deserve to find hope, healing, and confidence in who you are, who you've been called to be, & while living out your Whole Life mission. It's going to be some tough work up in here, girl, but we're gonna walk this thing out together, uncovering some bold, courageous actions that we can take to experience, not just a good life, but your Whole Life. Are you ready to live your Whole life, Holy Made? Let's do it! Connect with me by email at angietoninirogers@gmail.com Join our FB community: https://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Hey ladies, welcome to episode 59. This is a continuation of 58, and this is gonna be on the gift of long suffering. How many of you guys have ever thought about long suffering as a gift while I'm going to share with you? The revelation that I have recently been given related to long suffering in this episode, let's get it.
Podcast: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifepodcast
Website: https://www.angietoninirogers.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/angie.toninirogers
Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup
Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ IIDEAA Framework Journal: http://bit.ly/IIDEAAjournal
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Angie’s Coaching Menu: visit website at www.angietoninirogers.com
What's up ladies. Welcome back to this episode today, I'm going to talk about the gift of long suffering. This was a a thing that I was asked to do by my pastor. And she had asked me to do a Bible study for the three spirits of the spirit long suffering gentleness and goodness. So today is gonna be all about long suffering. So if you listen to episode 57, which was the one right before this, then you are right on track. If you have not listened to that, I just told a long story about how I could not get this Bible study together until after I got through this stage of being just paralyzed about having been asked to do this. I said, yes. And then I was just paralyzed because I did not feel worthy enough to be the one to share these gifts of the spirit because of imposter syndrome.
So go back to episode 57 because not only did I talk about imposter syndrome, but I also went through how I was able to get through feeling just stuck and paralyzed related to that, that instant. So let's talk about the gift of long suffering. So you're in a situation where things are piling up. I mean, if you are listening to this, you're one of my fir you're one of my ladies. You have lots of things on your plate and you are always feeling like, listen, there's just never enough time in the day. Everything always is piling up. We don't know what to do. We don't know where to go. We feel completely out of sorts. And there is a thing about being in the place of this suffering or in this place of being overwhelmed or feeling stuck that no matter what you do, you feel like you just get deeper and deeper and deeper.
It's like, there's not enough time today. So I didn't get enough stuff done. And then tomorrow, not only is there not enough time in the day to get today's stuff done, but I still have yesterday's stuff to do. And it just feels like compounded interest
And then when they step back into the light the darkness goes away. The thing about sunglasses, and here's the other thing that I do. I wear my sunglasses all the time on when I am driving. They're on my face. Obviously when I get outta my car, if I'm going to need them, I just put them, I keep them on the face until I walk into the building. And then I put them on my head so much so that I forget that my glasses are even on my head. Okay. So I totally forget that, that they're even there. I feel like sometimes we're in, when we're in this place of suffering, it's much like these sunglasses that people wear where they walk into the light and the shades turn dark so much. So they're so used to it that they're not even cognizant or aware that their glasses are shaded.
Their glasses have shaded to protect them from, you know, the, the ultraviolet rays and all the things, but they wear them so much. They don't even know that they're looking through these shaded glasses. That's what I feel like sometimes where we're, when we're in this place of feeling stuck or that things are so overwhelming that we start to see the world through these shaded glasses that we have forgotten that we even have on. It feels like we're drowning. It feels like we're not good enough. We're not worthy enough. We're not maybe Christian enough. We're, we're in a place of overwhelm and feeling stuck. And we just, we gotta do something to get back from it. But there are times in our lives when we're going through this stuff, this, this time of suffering or overwhelm that we forget that that actually shades the way that we see the world.
It actually, it, it changes our perception. We're seeing the world through glasses that we have forgotten that we even have on. So I know last week I mentioned a friend of mine Rochelle, who was keeping me accountable to get back on the podcast and we need sisters in our life like that. We need friends in our life like that, that are willing to say to us, huh? I, I don't see what you're seeing that way, because if we don't have people to keep us accountable and we forget that we're looking through shaded glasses that are changing our perception of what we're seeing, then we end up just swirling and going deeper and deeper and deeper into this whole of stuckness. And we don't even realize that we're there sometimes, but it's all, it's often coloring, tainting, shading, the way that we see and hear and perceive from other people.
So there's a few things I wanna read first to kind of put us in perspective of long suffering and some scriptures that I read about long suffering. John 1633 is I have said these things to you in that in me, you ha may have peace in the world. You will have tribulation, but take heart. I have overcome the world. Not might not maybe, but will, you will have tribulations. So suffering number one, he says in his word that we will have it. But take heart. He has overcome the world. We have victory Proverbs three, five through six trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways, acknowledge him. And he will make straight your paths, Romans 8 28. And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose, James one, two, count it all joy.
My brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, when you meet trials of various kinds for, you know, that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness, there's that long suffering being steadfast with faith, even though you're meeting trials of various kinds and let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect, complete lacking and nothing. So when we go through trials we must have steadfastness, which reminds me of long suffering and we will be made perfect and complete and lacking in nothing he's saying that we will have in our long suffering in our overwhelm states in our, in our stuck places, we will be made perfect and complete lacking in nothing. Huh? James, one 12 blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life. How do we get the crown of life?
If we didn't go through the test, he just said for when he stood the test, he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him, huh? Being steadfast, long suffering under trial. And we will receive the crown of life. So interesting. What if we don't have these long suffering periods? Do we receive the crown of life? Well, I don't know. We will go through these trials because he says we will, and we will remain steadfast in our gift of long suffering. He has given us and we will receive the crown of life. I just find this fascinating. This is like a completely new revelation that I got as I was studying for this long suffering. Once I was able to get my own over my own self first Peter four, two beloved do not be surprised at the fiery trial.
When it comes upon you to test you as though something strange were happening to you. Hello, it's not strange that we're going through crazy stuff. It's not strange that we're suffering. It's not strange that we ha we're having trials and tribulations. We are supposed to go through trials and he has giving us the gift of long suffering to do that so that we may be made complete and whole lacking. Nothing made perfect in him. Okay. First Corinthians 10, 13, no temptation has overtaken you that it is not common to man. God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape that you may be able to endure it Philipp Philippians four, six, and seven, do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your request be made, known to God in the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts in your minds and Christ Jesus.
I feel like in the gift of long suffering, the Philippians four, six, and seven is a reminder that we will remain with the peace of God, because that will surpass all understanding because it's from God. And he has prepared us perfectly with our individual gift of long suffering so that we may be able to withstand and be steadfast in our suffering. I, I just, I just found this completely revealing when I, when I went through this for, in preparation for this Bible study. So we talked about the shades, right? So, you know, when we've been praying for something for a really long time, that has not come to pass and manifested itself yet, you know, whether it's a healing, whether it's our child to get all the way back in to Christ, whether it's an addiction for someone we love, we're praying for, for an overcoming of that.
You know, there are things that we suffer through and we have to be steadfast in. He has told us multiple times and all of those scriptures that we have to remain steadfast in these trials, in these sufferings. So I think it's super important to number one, change the way we think about when we're suffering through something or when we are having to endure something for a longer duration than what we would prefer, that we have been gifted with a very specific fruit of the spirit called long suffering. So have a certain awareness of the fact that when we are suffering, it can change the way that we're seeing the world. If we are not careful to stay in the word and the truth of God that's very important. It can, you know, that example I used where, and that's the best way I CA I kept thinking about it was if I don't even know I'm looking through shaded sunglasses, I don't know that I'm looking through darkness.
I it's, if I'm not recognizing that when I step outside into the light that my shades are becoming dark, and I'm just seeing the world for what I think I see that is not the perspective that is necessarily the truth. It's only shaded in that way, because I have these glasses on that I have forgotten that I'm looking through. So it's important to become aware about what it is you're perceiving. And is that actually staked in the truth, or is it colored or tainted by these glasses? You're looking through because you are in a position of suffering, suffering changes the way that we perceive what people say to us or due to us suffering changes the way that we receive information. So it's, it's super important to just have a, do, be diligent and very intentional in these times of suffering that you are intentionally trying to perceive the world, looking through a lens that is truth, not shaded, not jaded, not tainted.
Okay. We respond differently when we receive information differently, we perceive it differently. We perceive conversations differently. We attach meanings emotions to things that sometimes if I wasn't in that place, I would never have attached that thing or that emotion to in the first place. But if I'm not intentional enough to recognize that I'm attaching emotions and feelings to something that just happened, or I just heard, because I'm in a place of darkness. If I don't realize I'm in a place of darkness, then I don't understand that. Now the way that I've responded to this was actually because I was in darkness. Not because the other person intended to be dark towards me. It it's like looking through a fog. It's like thinking that you are seeing something that just really isn't even there beyond the fog, beyond the darkness, it's actually is actually truth.
And we're just not seeing it all the way there. This is where I, I wanna go back. Oh, he, this is where I wanna go back and, and, and remind yourself, don't do this alone. He didn't intend for us to do long surf, long suffering alone. While we each have our own individualized gift, that's made specifically for us to withstand what it is we're suffering through. He didn't intend for us to do it alone. He intended for us to do it with the people that he's put in our circles, in our close proximity that are God fearing women, men, whoever that is. Your church body, your church family, your pastors, your sister, your, your sisters who are gonna hold you accountable. Like my friend did he's put those people in our circle on purpose. So let's lean on those people that we know are God ordained to be in our, in our path, in our circles.
So when we're in this spot where we feel stuck, where we are suffering through something, we need to get ourselves in a place where we can get unstuck. We we've got to get in a place where we are sure that we are perceiving things in a way that are based in truth. Okay. Here's the good news. There's always a point where you can get unstuck. There's never a time where you're too far gone or been in pain too long, that you won't be relieved of that pain or that you can't go to God and be reminded of who you are, who he says he is. And the fact that he's given us this gift along suffering. In fact, the fact that he's given us this gift long suffering demonstrates our ability to express the gift we've been given, right? The, the whole point that we are in a, a time of suffering or overwhelm or being stuck is a place where we can demonstrate his spirit, that he has given us specifically for that situation.
And it is a testimony to him when we can ha be steadfast in, in doing that long suffering is a gift we've been given by God. He is specifically and uniquely designed our gift. Just for me. My gift is just for me, because he knows every step that I'm gonna ever take. So he's designed my gift of long suffering just for me and you, my friend have your own gift of long suffering just for you. Now, we've gotten to the point where we realize, listen, we've been going through this thing for a long time. We're tired, we're weary. We are down. We're disappointed. We're all the things we're seeing things. We're, we're getting offended. That's another big, a big signal red flag that maybe you are in a place where you need to be intentional about some self awareness. When you start getting offended a lot, because honey being offended is not a spirit of God.
So when you start getting offended at what people are doing and saying to you, then you better check yourself and get to a place where you realize that you may be seeing and hearing some things that are not actually what the intent of the other person was. So we get to a point where we might have to do something. And so let's talk about a strategy that we can use to get, to activate our spirit of long suffering. We wanna activate the gift of the spirit of long suffering. So we're gonna get unstuck, and I'm gonna use the letters and unstuck to get us to activate our gift of long suffering. You understanding that God created this gift of long suffering for this very thing you're going through just for you. He's made it just for you in we're gonna nurture that thing.
We're gonna nurture the fruit along suffering. We are going to conquer our flesh, and we are going to be very intentional about being aware of how we're perceiving and receiving information and responding to that person or thing that is that is in our, in our midst, S is sufficient. His grace is sufficient, no matter how long we have to endure it, no matter how long it's been, no matter how many years, no matter how hard it's been, his grace is sufficient. He told us. So that's part of the gift that we have his grace that is completely sufficient, no matter what to be steadfast in this situation, T is time here. Here's the deal. Everything is time limited. Everything has a season. There is no season that we're gonna be in that will last our entire life. And if it does, and we go on the Lord, well, hallelujah, we're with the Lord.
You know, I mean, he said, we have the victory. So we have to activate that, that belief, that faith, that we're going to have the victory and that our victory is going to come to pass. He said, it would, he said it is finished. It is done. And we have the victory. That's present tense. So we know that whatever it is we're going through is just time limited. It has a season. And during that season, we are called to activate our gift of long suffering. You is upbeat. Be intentional about how you're perceiving information, be intentional about being, self-aware be intentional. Call yourself out, get with the group of friends, ask them, Hey, did I get offended for something that I shouldn't have? Did I read that into that? That I shouldn't have get somebody that's gonna hold you accountable and love you enough to give you feedback that you need to, to get yourself in check.
If you don't have a group of girls or a group of friends, or who, or a boss or somebody who loves you enough to give you the feedback you need to make changes, then you better get around some other people that are gonna hold you accountable, because part of love is giving feedback so that you help somebody grow. All of us should be growing. We should be seeking to grow, and we should be helping others grow. Okay? We're all supposed to be growing. See it's for courage. You, this is, this is courageous. It's courageous to activate the spirits the, the fruit of the spirit that, that we've been given. These gifts that we've been given, it is courageous. Sometimes you have to be bold and courageous in taking action to do what it is that God's called you to do and be who it is that God's called you to be.
You've got to be bold and courageous kindness. That's the key is kindness. If you are always acting in kindness, then you are being loving. You're remembering to serve other people, even when you're going through it, serving other people will pay dividends back to you because you're paying it forward. The reality is, that's what we're called to do. We're called to serve and love others. We that's, it we're called to serve. We're called to love. We are called to show kindness to others, no matter what the circumstances, it's not anyone else's issue that I have sunglasses on that I have forgotten that are on my face, and I'm seeing the world through darkness. That's not other people's issue. That's my issue that I need to get, get checked on so that I can continue to serve and love others. We make mistakes. You know, we, we mess up, but it's his grace that's sufficient to help us, you know, be convicted in that and move forward.
Apologize. Repent, ask for forgiveness when you've responded in a way, because you're looking through these glasses that, that are darkening up your world. Maybe you've damaged some relationships. Maybe you've messed up some things. Well, it's time that you acknowledge it, understand that, you know what? This is part of our spiritual walk. That being step fast, you know, through this long suffering, being patient, being faithful, being honest, having integrity, all of that is part of our walk. And so it's time to acknowledge that if there's some damage that you've caused, because you've gotten to a place where you have forgotten to activate your gift of long suffering, you gotta acknowledge it and ask for forgiveness and then move on. It's part of our walk. So that is the gift of long suffering. I just wanna encourage you today that you feel the peace of the Lord, the peace that's surpasses all understanding and understanding that he has called us to use this gift that he has prepared us for. He knows he already knows, and he is already given us the gift that we need to be able to be steadfast. When we go through trials and tribulations, God is faithful. He won't tempt us beyond our ability. He will always provide a way for us to escape so that we can endure all the things that are gonna come our way, sisters, I'm praying for you. I will see you on the next episode.
Hey, before you go, I'd love for you to hop over to my podcast and give me a review. And you know, I'd love five stars. That's how we can share this thing with other women, just like us, your five stars and written review really helps me get the word out. You can also take a screenshot of this episode and tag me in your Insta and Facebook stories. And I'll give you a shout out right back, leaving your review and sharing this episode is the best way you can show me some love. Thanks so much. And I'll see you in the next episode. And remember your smile is like a boomerang, throw one at somebody and it'll come right back.

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
EP 58: Do I Have Imposter Syndrome? How Do I Know if I Am Self-Sabotaging Myself?
Podcast: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifepodcast
Website: https://www.angietoninirogers.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/angie.toninirogers
Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup
Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ IIDEAA Framework Journal: http://bit.ly/IIDEAAjournal
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Angie’s Coaching Menu: visit website at www.angietoninirogers.com
What's up ladies I'm back. well, listen. So I am totally doubting my abilities and feeling like a complete fraud. Yeah. I said it… a complete fake phony fraud. Have you ever felt that way? That's about what we're gonna talk about today in today's episode, I've been away for so long, but I'm back and I have missed you guys. So let's get into today's episode about being a fake a phony.
What's up ladies. I am back, back back. And I first wanna thank a friend of mine named Rochelle, because she has been on me on me, on me sisters. Listen, you guys need accountability partners in your life. Like I have, I've got this girl, this friend of mine, Rochelle, who asks me almost every time that she sees me. Are you ever gonna do a podcast episode again? And I'm like, girl. Yes, but I don't know… things. Life has just crazy. It's happened and I've dropped off guys. It's August and I am pretty sure it's been since December, since I have posted, it has been a wild and crazy year. And so you heard what I said when I said the intro, which was feeling like a fraud, a fake, a phony, right. Well, that is exactly what we're gonna talk about today. And I will go into in some future episodes about what's been going on in this past year and what I've been doing.
But I just wanted to first thank and give a shout out to Rochelle because I know she'll hear this and I want to thank you my friend for being on top of me and accountability because we need that. We need that in our lives. And I am so thankful that I have a close group of ladies that hold me accountable to do and say what it is I am meant to do and say, okay, so let's talk a little bit about feeling like a fraud, doubting your abilities and that kind of thing today. I'm talking about duh duh imposter syndrome. So how many of you guys have heard of imposter syndrome? It is loosely defined. It's about doubting your abilities, feeling like a fraud, a fake, a phony, it, it actually disproportionately affects very high achieving people, high achieving people and those people in, and I'm, I'm one of those people in case you didn't know it, you find it difficult to accept your accomplishments.
And so many question, whether or not they're deserving of accolades or accomplishments or things that they've done, right? So imposter syndrome, it's an internal experience. So it happens inside. It's like a, you know, that, that negative self talk that happens. It's believing that you're not as competent as others perceive you to be. So others are saying that you're competent, but you really in your hood and your emotions in your heart, you don't feel like you're very competent. You're competent. This is it's usually narrowly applied to highly achieved people. It does have links to perfectionism and you guys know my history with perfectionism and unbecoming perfectionism, right? So it is usually tied to that, but it can hit anybody. Anybody can feel this way. At any point in time, it's basically experience of feeling like a fake, a phony. You feel like as if any moment, you're gonna be found out that you are a total fake, you're a total fraud.
Like you don't belong where you are, you don't deserve what you've got. And you've basically just gotten there through dumb luck which by the way, I don't believe in luck, I believe in blessings. But it can affect anyone, no matter their social status, no matter their work background, their skill level, their degree of expertise. It can hit anyone at any time. Some of the common signs of imposter syndrome are an inability to assess your own competence and skills really see those for what they are. It is attributing your success to external factors other than yourself and you know, on this podcast, you know, God, right. It's it's me and God. Okay. it thinking about the fact that, well, that wasn't me. That was something else. Okay. You berate your performance, you downplay what you've done to get the accomplishments that you've, you've experienced.
You fear that you won't live up to expectations. You overachieve, you overcompensate for things. Oh my Lord. This is speaking to me so much because in my past specifically, and then very recently, I had a overwhelming feeling of this, these symptoms, which are defini definition of imposter syndrome. You sabotage your own success. You doubt yourself, you set very challenging goals. And then you feel like you have a right to feel disappointed when you fall short or in the sabotaging way, you set such high goals that, you know, you'll never meet them because you feel like you need to fall short because you're not measuring up to what everybody thinks you are. It is like this horrible cycle. So coping with imposter syndrome, when you look at when you look up things like on the internet or reading books, this is what they say to help you get past the imposter syndrome.
You've gotta start asking yourself some hard questions and you need to really think about self-awareness awareness, which is true. You've gotta be self-aware to know that you're even experiencing this. This hit me so hard recently. And I'll tell you a little story about it in a second. So questions you need to ask yourself are what are the core beliefs that I hold about myself? What do I believe about myself? Second question, which is like, if there was an a and B, this would be B, where am I getting the beliefs that I hold myself to fru that becomes very important spiritually, especially because if I feel heavily, this imposter syndrome and all of these symptoms that come with it, and then I ask myself, what are the core beliefs that I really hold about myself when I start to examine and point out all of the things that I'm thinking about myself that are not true, I have to then look at where did I form these beliefs from where?
Right. Am I looking in the truth to find out who I am? What I am beliefs about myself? Or am I looking to what is probably not the truth, which is a lot of times in the world or all the things that are not in the truth and in the truth. I am talking about the Bible. Yes, because that is where the truth comes from. Another question, do I believe I am worthy of love as I am like, if do I really believe right now as I stand here being who I am, that I am worthy of love and to be loved. Do I believe that? And if I don't believe that, why, why do I not believe I'm worthy as love or worthy of love? Must I be perfect for others to approve of me? Do I have to be walking in perfection or think that I have to present perfection to the world?
Ooh, this one, this one gets me every time. When I think about having people to my house, because it is such a place of non perfectionism to me because the three boys and the dogs and the lack of time, I have to actually spend the amount of time I need to on my house to keep it clean. Ugh, Lord, Lord. This one hits me bad. So here's why all of this came up for me. And this is where I, you know, I, I was asked recently to do a Bible study at my church and my pastor asked me and I am always, always, always gonna be a very close yes. Close. Yes. A C se. And then yes. That's what I'm saying. A close. Yes. And that's a whole nother podcast episode, actually. I think I have it recorded and I haven't, I haven't downloaded it to you guys yet.
I need to do that, but how to be a close? Yes. And why you wanna be a close? Yes, but I am always gonna be to my pastor a close. Yes. Because I know that if she asks me to do something, there's a reason she's asking me to do it. So she asks me probably two months ahead of time, two months ahead of time to do a Bible study where I would lead a lady's Bible study at our church in front of very godly spiritual women, amazing women. Okay. And I said, yes. And then this imposter syndrome paralyzed me for months, for two months, paralyzed me literally up into until the day before I was supposed to do this Bible study, I was completely stuck. I was not able to get to the content of what she asked me to share about, because I was overwhelmed with feeling like a fr a fraud, a fake, like, who am I to get up in front of these ladies who I know or I perceive do all of these things for God.
And you know, they, they memorize scripture and they know the Bible back and forth, and they know all the stories in the Bible. And you know, they're wonderful wives and wonderful mothers and you know, know amazing servants and who in the world am I to stand up in front of these ladies and give them a Bible study? So I was paralyzed and it wa I was just paralyzed. So finally, I'm trying to prep. I'm trying to prep every time I go to prep, I'm just stuck. I'm looking at what she's asked me to go over and I'll, and I'll tell you what that is in a minute. And I just can't, I I'm reading the words and the scriptures. I'm I'm I'm I know what these gifts are, but I just can't get it together to get a Bible study prepped for this thing that is supposed to happen the next day.
Okay. So finally, I'm doing everything I need to do to stall and to not sit down and try to do this because I can't get past it. I'm paralyzed. It hits me as I'm washing dishes. It hits me who did I say? You are in my spirit. It just hits me. Who have I said you are because you are paralyzed because of something you are saying that you are, which is not based in truth and not based in who it is that I have said you are. So in order for me to get to where she wanted me to go, I had to first remind myself of who God says I am. So that's when I wanna walk through with you today, because if you have felt any of these symptoms, quote, unquote of the imposter syndrome, where you're, you are, you are sabotaging, you, you're doubting yourself.
You are berating your own own of performance. You're paralyzed. You are believing things about yourself that are not actually based in truth. This is for you. Okay? So I'm just gonna go through some of the things that I had to spend about two hours, going through scripture and finding what are all the things that God says about me so that I could, and I didn't know this when I was doing this, but he just said, go, remember, go find who it is that I say you are. And that will help you get to the next duty, which is to get this Bible study together over these three gifts that she asked me to talk about. So here they are. Here's what I found. And I just want you to listen to these and take these in and remember that all of these things that I'm about to say to you are written in the truth.
They're written in the word, and it is all the things that God says that you are sister. You are my friend, all of these things. I'm about to say to you. And so sit back, take a deep breath and listen to who it is that God says you are. I am loved. I am worthy. I am purposed. I am his and I belong. I am called. I am chosen. I am royalty. I am an heir. I am accepted. I am adopted. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am created in his image. I am redeemed. I am restored and renewed and refined. I am saved. I am forgiven. I am transformed. I am valuable. I am spirit filled. I am powerful. I am mighty. I am strengthened. I am able, I am free. I am sealed and delivered. I am faithful. I am a friend of Jesus.
I am full of peace. I am lavished by, by grace, a child of light. I am holy and righteous. I'm a Saint, a steward, a servant, a soldier. I'm a witness and a worker. I am victorious. I'm a citizen of heaven. I am no longer a slave to sin. I'm an ambassador for Jesus. I'm set apart and I'm sanctified. I'm a special possession. I'm made new. I'm anointed. I'm triumphed. I'm joined with the Lord. I'm one with him in spirit. I am blameless before God. I am God's workmanship. I am blessed and I am favored. I am covered and protected. I am safe. I am the salt of the earth and the light of the world. I'm completely forgiven. I'm a temple of the holy spirit. I am bold. I am courageous. I am confident. I am above and not beneath. I am the head and not the tail.
I am more than a conqueror and I am an overcomer. I am justified by grace. I am rescued. I'm complete. I am whole, I am healed. I am far from oppression. I will not live in fear. I belong to him. I'm intricately woven. I'm seated in high places. I'm raised up with Christ. I'm made alive in Christ. I'm given access to the father almighty. I'm a member of the body. I'm a member of God's household. I am given hope. I am given faith. I am given peace. I am given mercy, Ephesians four. I can mature spiritually. I can be certain of God's truth. I can have a new attitude and a new lifestyle in Ephesians five and six. He says things like, I can honor God through my marriage. I can parent my children with composure. I have God's power. I can stand firm in the face of evil.
I am a friend in Jesus. And since I am a friend in Jesus, I can be a friend like Jesus. And since I am made in his image, I can share my thoughts on his words for me and for you. Woo. So
You are enough with the holy spirit because he said, so he makes us strong where we are weak. He said, so, so I want you to take the time today, ladies, I don't know if you needed this or not, but I know I needed this to be able to just remind myself who is it that my daddy, God says I am. And now I can feel equipped to move on and talk about the three fruits of the spirit that I was asked to talk about which were long suffering, gentleness and goodness. I, I will do those in another podcast because the long suffering has been something that I, he revealed long suffering to me in such a way that I've never seen long suffering before long suffering is a gift. And that is what I'll talk about in the next episode, ladies, I love you so much.
It's good to be back. I'm not gonna tell you how often I'm gonna pose, because I don't wanna you know, say something to you that I don't hold my hold up to because I don't know. I don't know, but I am going to post three more times because for sure, because I've got these gifts that I'm going to give you. And then I'm gonna also gonna do the close. Yes. So ladies, I love you today. Go find in the scripture in the truth, who you are and who your daddy, God says you are and empower yourself today to know that you loved because he loves you. All right, we'll see you now.
Hey, before you go, I'd love for you to hop over to my podcast and give me a review. And you know, I love five stars. That's how we can share this thing with other women, just like us, your five stars and written review really helps me get the word out. You can also take a screenshot of this episode and tag me in your Insta and Facebook stories. And I'll give you a shout out right back, leaving your review and sharing this episode is the best way you can show me some love. Thanks so much. And I'll see you in the next episode. And remember your smile is like, throw one at somebody and it'll come right back.

Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
EP 57 How to Wait Patiently on the Lord When You Are Tired Weak Frustrated Angry Hurt: How to Trust God When His Timing is Not Fast Enough For Me
Okay. How many of you guys can say that you honestly know how to patiently wait on the Lord. When you are feeling only frustrated and angry and upset and throwing tantrums all over the place. How many of you guys can actually say that that never happens to you and you always know how to patiently wait on the Lord, raise your hand. Okay. My hand is not raised just in case you wanna know, because I have to continuously try to wait patiently on the Lord. And today that is exactly what we're gonna talk about.
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Email: atoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ IIDEAA Framework Journal: http://bit.ly/IIDEAAjournal
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Angie’s Coaching Menu: visit website at www.angietoninirogers.com
Hey, welcome back to this episode of Wholly Made Life™, Ladies. I am so glad to be back. I don't know about you, but hopefully you've been patiently waiting a lot better than I have in this season. I have missed several weeks, even about a month, probably maybe a little over a month actually, of recording. And that is because I have been trying to rearrange my life with this new real estate agent business that I am building right now out. And I've been doing that since about October 14th, actually. So we're going on two months and at the same time, some of the coaching that I'm doing, as well as the work in the real estate investing. And then finally I am managing vacation rentals here in downtown Louisville. And so I have been kind of doing like a huge startup all at once with all of these different things.
So it has been absolutely insane and it's holiday time. So there you go. On November 20th, 2020, it was my year anniversary of resigning, my chief nursing officer position. And so today's episode is all about with eating patiently and how do you wait patiently when you are super frustrated, super tired, flat out angry, and just don't really know where to go and what to do. So that is what today's episode is gonna be about. Ladies is how can we persevere and wait patiently on God when we are tired and frustrated. So let's get into the episode. Okay. So like I said, November 20th, 2020 was my year anniversary of resigning, my chief nursing officer position. And most of you guys, if you've listened to some of the beginning episodes, you know, that this journey that I've been on for the past year started with a God word, God directed me to resign for my chief nursing officer position.
Essentially give him that position, that title, that salary, that work life that I had that career give it all up to him as a sacrificial offering. And he would show me what's next. And he had something more, something better, something bigger for me. Now, you know, at the beginning of that transition, it was a lot of time where I just took to decompress and kind of, I guess, just chill out from being, you know, having worked for the past two decades where I'm on call 24 7, I am running for no less than 80 hours a week. And on the phone, if I'm not on site at work. So it just took like several months to decompress from that and not feel like anxious when I walk out of the room and I forget the phone and realize, oh my gosh, maybe I missed an important phone call, that kind of thing.
So it took me several months to I decompress from that. And as I kind of listened and asked him to kind of tell me, okay, what do you want me to do next? You know, starting this podcast a year, actually the first episode dropped on December 31st, 2020, so almost a year ago. And that was all a God idea. He said, do a podcast. And so I said, okay, if I'm gonna do a podcast, you're gonna have to tell me what to talk about on every episode. And quite frankly, some of the hiatus that I've been on is because I didn feel at peace with what it was he asked. He of, of, I didn't feel at peace with getting on here and dropping an episode about something that I didn't feel came directly from him. Because I really resolved when I resigned that position, I really resolved to really try to step as he has directed me, you know this plaque that I got as a gift from one of these, the ladies at work when I was leaving it was the song, I think it's hill song oceans, you know, spirit lead me where my justice is without borders that song.
So I really tried to be very intentional to when I took steps, I wanted it to be him directing me and not my own needs, once desires my own need to control things. So I tried, I approached the podcast in that very way. I prayed about what do you want me to talk about? And then, you know, an idea would pop in and I would feel at peace that, yeah, that was from him. And then some of the weeks that I didn't drop anything, it was because I just didn't feel at peace with what it was I was thinking about. I just didn't feel at peace that it was from him. And I really didn't want this podcast to be about something. I specifically my own, like flesh wanted to talk to people about, or talk to the computer about talk to the microphone about, but I really wanted it to be led by spirit, you know, led by the holy spirit because I, this wasn't my idea to do a podcast.
And so I wanted to be true to if it's, it led, then let it be spirit led. So that's kind of where we are so fast forward to about the last month or so maybe month. Yeah. A month or so. You know, when I resigned that position back in November, I, when I hit that year 11, 20, 20, 21 I, it was almost like you know, the stages of grief where you, you have the loss of something. So you're angry, you're in, you're in denial, you're in bargaining. You know, anger is actually it's sick CLIC, right? You, it doesn't have to be fluid. It's not like, step 1, 2, 3, when someone's grieving something or grieving the law of something it's fluid. It goes from maybe bargaining to denial, to anger, back to bargaining, back to, you know, those kinds of things. So I kind of slipped into this almost, like I said, part of a grieving process where I started to feel like not angry as in like angry, something around like, like aggressively angry, but just like frustrated that like, man, I was making a really good salary and I, I had everything set and I gave it all up and I'm still God sitting here a year later.
And I don't feel like I'm in the place that I personally would've wanted to be in financially for sure. I mean, it has been so humbling. It has been such a season of sacrifice. At the same time though, it's been kind of this, this double edged thing, because it's been such a blessing too, because I'm telling you guys math. I don't know if you know that two plus two equals four. Well, not in this past year. It hasn't, we have been so blessed with I seriously, when I look at our budget and I look at how many bills that we had to pay, and I look at the amount of money that came into our bank account. Since I resigned, the math does not work out. It just doesn't make sense yet. Here we are a year later and while I'm not making a huge salary the bills that we had that matched the salary that I was making before, they're all being paid on time.
We haven't missed a thing and that's nothing but miraculous. I mean, that is nothing but God's hand right on that because I'm telling you guys two plus two does not equal four, a situation math does not add up. So while frustrated that I'm not where I personally thought I would be at this point a year later from resigning. At the same time I look at like, I look around and I'm like, man, what a blessing? Like what a testimony that it it's just like, you can't even explain it. The math just doesn't add up. We should not have been able to make all the payments we made and pay all the bills that we've paid. The math doesn't add up, but it's, it's real it, we've done it. And so that's all God and that's who God, you know, not, not just God, but it always God, but God uses people around us.
So we've been blessed by people that have been in our lives and we've received gifts. And just, it's just been such a blessing yet for this path month and a half. And this is what I wanna talk about is waiting patiently on the Lord, because for this past month, not a month and a half month, I have, I actually
And what I know is what I know, I know what I heard and I know throughout months and months of prayer I know all of that was confirmed and I know that that was the right thing to do. I know that that's what I was being directed to do. But a year later when things aren't where I personally think that they should be, I have to, to remind myself that I've gotta patiently wait on the Lord, I've got to trust him. And I've gotta know that what he said is what he said. And I know that what he says is true. And so when I hear things or things start creeping up in my mind, like, did I, you know, why did I do that? I can't believe I did that. Like, we would've been in such a better situation by now financially if I had just stayed where I was you know, or did I really hear what he says or why hasn't this part of the business taken off or this part of the business taken off, you know, all these questions.
And what I know is that those are lies. If they're not aligned with his, he says he has plans to prosper us, not harm us. And he says he works all things out for our good, so I know what the truth says, and I know that it's a lie and that's the first thing you gotta identify that that's a lie, but I wanted to talk today about how we can, it, you know, I wanted to be candid about where I've been this past past month or so in my own emotions, in my own head, in my own thought life, you know, I've had to like work extremely hard to really focus my intentional thoughts on being aligned with what I know the truth is. So how do we patiently wait on God when we are in a place where we are just super frustrated or we're grieving the loss of something, or we're angry even about things.
And number one is trust. You have to be able to trust. We have to trust him. We have to say, I trust you. I trust you. It's in your hand, I give it to you, take it. We have to be able to say that we trust it. And we, the more we say it, the more we do it, the more we remind ourselves of you know, what the truth is, God has said it starts to become easier to do. And anytime those thoughts creep up, you have to head them off and you have to align your mind with the truth. And you have to identify that when those whispers are happening in your head where you're like, God's forgotten God doesn't care, or you know, maybe you didn't hear God talk, right. You know, reminds me of when the serpent talked to Eve in the Garden of Eden.
And Eve said, you know, is that what he said, is that, what really? He says, is that really what God said to you? Or, you know, and then she was like, well? I dont know- he was helping her twist the words, you know, he was using God's words, but twisting them up in a different context than what they were intended. And that's what Satan does. He, he uses tiny pieces of truth and twists it. So you have to be identified. You have to be able to di identify that that's a lie. So you wanna fight back with the truth. You wanna use scripture, you wanna use prayer and you wanna use those reminders. You know, we say that we hope and wait in the Lord. He will hear me. That is scripture. He will hear he, we will wait on God and my God will hear me.
And so the second thing that we have to do is we have to be faithful. We have to understand that even if we're angry, even if we're hurt, even if we're frustrated, even if we feel, feel like God's gone quiet, I mean, this past month, I'm like, God, can you, can you speak up? Like I'm listening, I'm waiting. And you know, tell me what you want me to do. Am I doing what you're I'm supposed to be doing? And so when you start to have to do all of these actions where you feel like God's gone a little quiet on you, and you're like, well, I guess I'll just continue doing these actions. I'll continue with the work of my hands, because he blesses the works of our hands. I'll continue doing what I know how to do while he's quiet and just make sure that my ears are focused so that I can hear when it is time for him am to reveal the next or reveal something else or something different.
And like I said, it's easy to become angry when you are patiently trying to wait on God, because especially when you feel like you've been waiting forever. I think sometimes when that happens, too, when we start to feel angry, we aren't always intentional about listening at that point. It, you know, it's like we're throwing our own little tantrums. We're having our own little pity party. And when we're having our own little pity party, we're walking around moping all sad, all moody. We're not, we can't hear him. We can't, even if he was trying to speak to us, we'd be too busy throwing our little pity party on the side that we wouldn't hear it. We wouldn't notice it. We wouldn't see it. So you've got to be very, very careful and not to get angry and not to get bitter as you're waiting you.
And this is the time where you run back to him. You run back to him because we are faithfully and patiently waiting on God. And it doesn't matter whether we feel at peace with what we think we're hearing or not hearing as far as, you know, if he's gone quiet, like if he's quiet, then that means that you gotta just continue to do what you're doing and continue to pray and continue to ask and, and continue to ask him to reveal it to you. And if he doesn't reveal it today, then he'll reveal it tomorrow. If he doesn't reveal it tomorrow, then he'll reveal it the next day. It's, it's a belief that, you know, he's right there with you. And if he needed to say something to you, he would and again, you guys, if this is your first time listening, when I talk about God talking to me, it's not like an audible voice that he's sitting right here in front of me.
And we're having a, like a conversation like you. And I would have. It's a, it's a, just a knowing. It's a feeling in my gut, in my spirit and a piece that comes over me. This is how I hear a piece that comes over me. When I feel like I've heard him speak to me, it could be through people. It could be through a song. It could be through a prayer. It could be through a plaque that somebody hand you at a store that has a scripture on it. I mean, you, it could be the clock that says 11:11pm , you know, double portions. Hello. But it, it is just that feeling that you get when something comes to you and it means something to you, you feel it in your spirit and you feel a peace, or I do. I feel a peace with what it is I've heard.
So when you feel like he's quiet, it's just more time for you to talk to him. He's listening. So think about it like that. When you feel like God is being quiet, he is listening to you. Therefore you need to talk to him. You need to talk and have a conversation when he's quiet and you're not hearing him talk to him, ask him, tell him you need him. Tell him you love him. Tell him you. Thank him. Make sure you're being a good steward with what he's put in front of you right now. It's, it's an opportunity to enter his presence. Like never before. If he's quiet, maybe it's just because you need to talk to him more and tell him more about what it is you need. Maybe you need to reveal the ugly bitterness that you're feeling, or the anger that you're feeling.
Maybe you need to have a cry session with him. Maybe you need to repent for being such a brat. Like I literally just said, you know what, God, I, I'm sorry. I've been a complete brat this past week. I've been moping around. I've been like STR frustrated. I've been looking at everything that's happening negatively. And I've been letting it, you know, frustrate me, which then starts to affect our behaviors. So it's a big cycle you've got to press in when you feel like he's quiet. He draws us to him when he's quiet. If we allow him to the next thing is to make sure you never stop serving other people. So you want to serve. He wants us to love and serve other people. He wants us to wait on other people. Think about this during this time of waiting where you are not seeing the results that you want, or like in my season where I'm not getting the results I want fast enough, it just means that I need to serve better.
I need to provide more value to people. I need to do more to care for other people. The more you give to others, it will be returned to you. So take some of this time to say, okay, how can I serve better? Then I'm not getting the results I want. All right, what can I do to serve people better? I'm mean in my real estate career, that is something that I look at as like, okay, I'm not getting this or that. Then how can I serve that person better? Or how can I do this, this part of the job in a way that serves the person in front of me, better, like it, I'm just gonna take it upon myself to try to serve better. The other thing is that remembering that God gives us small things to do, and if we're stewarding the small things, well, it will prove to him that we're ready to steward bigger things.
So sometimes it's just having, being faithful with the little things so that he will be so that he knows that we'll be faithful with the larger ones. If, if we're not careful and intentional to take care of the little stuff, then it doesn't make room for him to do the bigger things and, and move us to the next step. Okay. Here's a, I think this is a fourth thing here. Be expectant and trust, be expectant that like I'm waiting right now, but I know what I know. And I know, I know that a, that over a year ago when he started kind of nudging me, moving me towards giving up the, the CNO position he said that he has bigger and better things. He said that he will guide me. He said that he will provide for me. So he said those things.
So I'm expecting him to do that. So while I deal with my flesh where I get to the end of the money or the end of the month, or the end of the result, that didn't happen, how I wanted it to, I know that he said he was gonna take care of it. He said he was gonna lead me. And so I can do two things. One, I can expect it and believe it and talk to him about it. And two, I can make sure that I am being obedient with the little things that he's giving me as we are walking a, as we are on the, this journey. So I'm gonna expect and trust that his ways are better and I'm gonna trust his timing. Like, I'm not where I wanna be, but maybe it's because it's not time for me to be there yet.
And maybe where I wanna be is not at all where God's taking me. I have no idea. It's his, you know, God's I, I said this before I God's my CEO and I'm his COO, right. I'm his operations officer and he's my executive officer. So he's the chief, he's the one directing, he's the one in charge. I'm just, I'm just doing the work to make sure that the operations go okay. So that's kind, kinda where I am with that. And I just have to remember that he's, he's leading. So if it's not time for me to be where I think I need to be, then it's not time. And I have to trust that he, his timing is better and he know his ways are better than my ways. Okay. And then I think I talked a little bit about this already with being grateful, being thankful, just taking the time every single day, like I said, he's provided, so there's no way I can't thank him every single day.
Like thank you that we haven't missed a mortgage payment. Thank you. That we've been able to pay tuition bills. Thank you. That we have food in our refrigerator. Thank you. That I've not, you know, I'm able to put gas in my car. Thank you. That, that the insurance has been paid it. I mean, it, there's, there's so much thank you for protecting, you know, us during travel. Thank you for protecting my child. Thank you for bringing my child, you know, pulling on his heart and having him come back to you. Thank you for reminding me who I am in a word and not in the world. Thank you for taking care of my children in this crazy culture that they are bombarded with every day. So you know, thank you for, for helping me become a better wife and showing me how I can improve and being a better wife, all those things that we need to thank him for.
We got to continue to be grateful for what we do have while I'm not exactly where I personally would love to be. It's doesn't mean that it, I, I'm not grateful for where I am and losing hope is not an option. Okay. It's he is hope there is no place to lose hope. So always knowing that there's always hope because he said what he said, and I believe in his word, I was just thinking about something else. And I was think about a prayer and I just lost it. So I, I think, I think I have kind of covered most of the points that I wanted to cover, and I felt like I needed to cover. And again, you know,
We, we wanna, we gotta be patient. We gotta believe and expect that the truth is exactly has this exactly where we need to be. You know, we gotta be grateful. We gotta serve others and we have to be realistic about our places of weakness. That's that, that was the last thing is just praying for strength when it is that when it, when we're in a place where we feel like we can't do it and we don't how to do it, it's just having that place where we show him, God, I don't know what to do. I am doing what I know how to do. I think I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, but I don't know if this is right. I don't, you know, because if the results don't come right away and there's not evidence right away, sometimes we get a little skitish.
Sometimes we get a little, you know we start to question if what we're doing is the right thing. And that's a point of weakness for me, for sure. I mean, if I don't get results right away, I start to question, am I doing the right thing? Am I, should I switch to so else? Because I'm used to getting results right away, especially in my old job. So when you're in that place where you're feeling like, just like you need strength and you need wisdom and you need that discernment, and you gotta just know that that's where he finds us. He finds us in our weakness and he fill in the gaps. So there we go. Now we can all patiently wait on the Lord.
And like always, if you want to connect with me, you can go to my website and Angie to rogers.com. There's plenty of spaces on that site where you can connect with me and I will be happy to have a conversation. I do also continue to provide coaching. And certainly if you guys have any real estate needs, especially my local friends and where people want to a buy seller or invest in real estate, feel free to refer me, anyone in Kentucky that needs help in Kentucky. I am available for that as well, but I love to hear from you guys, if you have not left a review lately, feel free to leave another review that helps get the podcast shared with other women. And again, I also have the Facebook community jump in there and we can talk further over there too. All right, ladies here's to patiently waiting on the Lord, have a wonderful day.

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
EP 56 How to Pray for My Marriage-Power of Prayer Series: How Should I Pray for My Husband? What if He has Broken My Trust?
Hey, what's up guys. Welcome back to this episode of holy made life. And today we are going to continue our power of prayer series in we're gonna do some prayer about some different things that we may go through during marriage. So let's get into it.
Website: https://www.angietoninirogers.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/angie.toninirogers
Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup
Email: atoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ IIDEAA Framework Journal: http://bit.ly/IIDEAAjournal
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Angie’s Coaching Menu: visit website at www.angietoninirogers.com
Okay, sisters. So I know that a lot of us may be married and today's episode is going to be about different things that we might go through in our marriage. So these are a few different prayers and these are prayers that I kind of go through and look at different women's sites and Christian women's sites. And just try to find kind of a compilation of prayers that are really designated for the relationship that should be rooted in Christ because marriage was God's idea. So when you said I do to your husband, it was God's idea. And quite frankly, if it wasn't a biblical start to the marriage, now that you're married, because marriage is God's idea, you are underneath his idea and underneath his his rule. So even if it didn't start out as it should have, you can still participate in the relationship under God together.
So we're gonna say a few prayers about different things that we go through in marriage. Okay. So let's do a marriage prayer for strength. Let's let's go to God right now in prayer and I'll just lead in prayer and you guys can pray along or add in your own stuff. Okay? Father, we come to you today in great praise and Thanksgiving. We come to you to you today in unity and in acknowledgement that you are the center of our marriage, this marriage was your idea. Even if we did not acknowledge that to begin with this marriage is a holy relationship and it reflects our relationship with you. And it reflects the love that you have for your children. You want so much for us to be in love with each other as we are with you. And we thank you that you were remind us to keep you at the center of our relationship.
Our marriage relationship is a form of worship to you. The better we are with each other in our marriage and keeping you the center of it. The, the better worship we are giving you as our God and father and provider show us how to follow your example of love and forgiveness and grace and mercy help us remove selfishness and pride from ourselves and humbly serve each other help us be more mindful of the other person than we are of ourselves. Help us to give more than we receive help us look out for each other's interests and help us take the time to notice each other and to hear the beat of our husband's heart and lay our head on his chest and let it rise and fall, fall, and be thankful for every breath that you've given him to take.
As he become becomes the priest of our, we pray for his strength as he leads us in a biblical way as a biblical husband, as a biblical parent, as a provider, as a protector. And we thank you for the strength that you are giving him through you to be there for us, us may the love that we have eat for each other grow wildly more and more every single day. May we want each other more and desire each other more today than we did yesterday and more tomorrow than we did today. Let our love be an example to our children. Let us remember that it is God first and then each other, and then our children, and then others, let us keep our relay in order in biblical order. Thank you God, for your hand in healing, those places in our hearts that have been damaged thank you for giving us a place to check our baggage that we've brought into this marriage and acknowledge that each of us have a room with our baggage in it, and that we should be mindful of each other's history.
Each other's triggers each other's desires, hopes, dreams, each other's downfalls our the places where we are weak, the places where we are hurt help us recognize that in our spouse and be more tender, be more loving, be more sensitive to those areas. Give us the strength and the wisdom and the discernment to know what to say in certain situations and what to do for our spouse. Let us have a heart of service towards our spouse. We thank you, God, that you've put the love within us, that we need to love our spouse is the right way. Let us be inspired by the word of truth in the Bible, let us be reminded of what kind of woman we should be with our husband. Help us to be understanding and have forgiveness and trust.
Always remind us of what we need to do to improve and work on ourselves. And as we each work to work on ourselves, we will come closer to each other. As I improve myself, you will work on spouse. It is not my job to change my husband. It is not my duty to do that. It is my job to seek you first God and work on myself first. So I ask that you remind me when I am focused on him and him changing that you refocus my attention back on what I need to do differently, to be a better wife help us to identify and work through anything that's not pleasing to you between us and help us just reach a higher level of unity with each other spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially. Thank you God for putting your hands on marriage. And we know that the enemy comes to attack marriage and try to split that up.
And God let us recognize the lies that come to attack our marriage. Let us recognize when the enemy is using tactics and using us again each other, so that we may reunite under your word and under your love. I, I pray for mutual growth. I pray that you give me a heart to chase after you and chase after your word and chase after the truth. And I pray that you give my husband a fire and a, and a desire to be hungry for your word and be hungry for becoming a, a, a biblical husband and serve in the way that you want him to serve in his how household. Thank you God for the wisdom. Thank you for the strength. Thank you for being faithful to us. And God, when there are times of disagreements financial disagreements, money disagreements, I ask that the stress of debt be canceled.
I ask that all debts be canceled and that any stress that we have about finances, we are able to reroute those to, to you and, and you help us discern how it is. We should arrange our finances in a way that will be great stewards for our family now and in the future to create legacy wealth. Thank you for your peace and contentment, regardless of what we have list of what's in the bank account. Thank you for always being our provider and reminding us that you are, you will always provide in a, in a case where we need restored, trust God for any women that are listening, that they feel like trust has been broken, or there needs to be a restoration of trust. I ask that there's reconciliation in both hearts of the spouses. I ask, they asked to be reconciled together that their love for each other will grow and blossom and be stronger than ever before.
And no matter what's happened in the past, that it is in the past and it can be forgiven and it can be healed. Wounds will be healed by your stripes. You said, will were healed. And we receive and believe that today. And we heal our marriage of any spiritual attacks or manipulations or any distractions that are trying to come in between us. We ask you to have mercy on our relationship. We ask you to rebuild trust and honesty. Things have been broken and separated. I pray for all soul ties to be broken in the name of Jesus. We, we pray for we actually demand for a seven full restoration of the trust and honesty that the evil one has stolen from us through distractions, through other people through behaviors and actions that were not aligned with what it was you were calling us to do as a husband or a wife.
So I pray for every woman now that is listening that needs that restoration of hope and hope is not ever lost. Hope is not lost. I ask for a complete understanding and revelation that any lack of trust and honesty, any action that either spouse has taken that has caused trust to be broken is an attack of the enemy. And the enemy will do whatever he can to split up the marriage because a powerful United marriage under God is a force to be reckoned with. And, and I pray for every couple, every woman listening to understand that the enemy is after
I pray for a great friendship between husband and wife. I pray for grace when we mess up. I pray for we're. We're easy to forgive quick to forgive each other. I just thank you that you're a Redeemer, you're a restorer I, and you're a lover and you teach us all of those things and we share those things with our husband. Thank you for your love and faith faithfulness. Thank you for your power that you've given us to love each other. And I just wanna thank you for every woman and every husband that that you have put together. Thank you for the gift of their relationship. Thank you for the powerful unity that they bring with their relationship. I thank you for all the couples and people and children that they are destined to impact as a United couple. Thank you for that. And I thank you that when marriage gets tough, sometimes we just go again and I thank you for the strength to make the choice every day to stay married and to, to choose marriage, to choose to love this partner that you have given us. Amen.
I'll see you guys on the next episode.

Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
EP 55 How to Pray for Prosperity and Success in Your Business Career Work: Power of Prayer Series- He Has Plans for Us to Prosper Not Harm Us
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Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Angie’s Coaching Menu: visit website at www.angietoninirogers.com
So we're gonna get right into this prayer. God, I wanna come to you today in great Thanksgiving and praise heavenly father. Thank you for your word. Thank you for your love. Thank you for showing up for us every day in our lives. Thank you God, for enlightening, our eyes revealing to us who it is. You want us to help today. And I just thank you for that ability to have an opportunity to serve and to of others in the way that you've called us to your word says that I can do all things through Christ Jesus. I can do all things through you who strengthen me. And I ask that you give me strength and I ask that you give me strength. As I take the steps that I need to take every day in business or at work, I ask that you help give us the strength to succeed in our work in our businesses, bless our work with prosperity for you are good.
And it is all for your glory. May the love of our savior, Jesus Christ, the tenderness of our savior, Jesus Christ and the presence of the holy spirit. May father, God, God bring us joy. Bring us peace in what we're doing today. And every day, I thank you, God, that every good and perfect gift comes from you. And that is in the form of our business, our work, our gifts, our talents, our customers our clients. I thank you God, for every person that you bring into our path, because there is a purpose that you have them in front of us. And I ask that we are able to serve them exactly how they are needed. God, you've promised that if I, whatever I do to you, then you will cause my plans to succeed. And my success will come from aligning my plans with your plans with your will not my will God, but your will.
Let me hear your voice in every single thing I do. Let me hear it clearly, as you give me with wisdom and guidance, as you give me the ability to discern what it is that is good versus evil. Remind me that success is not found in this world, God, but it is found in you. And as long as I am in you, I will succeed. It is impossible for me not to prosper because you said that you have, you know, the plans for me and that is for me to prosper. And I believe that and receive that today. God and I thank you, God, that your work is perfect. Your ways are just, you are a God of faithfulness. And the Bible says that if I walk in your ways and observe your commands, that I will prosper in every, everything that I do and everything that I, everywhere that I go give me assurance that as I seek you and I make you the CEO of my business, or make you the leader of my work, that you will bless the work, you will bless the results of the work you will cause prosperity to grow.
May the love of the father, the, the saving grace of your son and the presence of the almighty holy spirit, may it bring joy to our everyday interactions. And I just thank you for all, all of those things, God you've promised and you're faithful. And we rely on you. Your word says that you give us ability to create wealth through the work of our hands. And I commit my business and my work to your hands. I, I, I commit the work of my hands to you, and I know that the work of my hands, as long as it is aligned with what your word will give you glory. And I thank you God, for that ability to work and meet your people, your children, and come into agreement with them for your good that you, you align all of our works.
And you align and use all things for our good as we are in Christ Jesus. And I just thank you for, for working all things for our good, and I just I'm grateful today. God, you are. My rockier, my Redeemer, you have made all things good in you and I thank you that you hold all of those things together. You've said that you have have plans and a purpose for me, plans to prosper me and not harm me and I receive. And I believe that today, I trust you with my work. I trust you with my business. May the word of Jesus Christ dwelled deeply within my soul deeply within my heart. May I be a student of your wisdom? May I work with thankfulness and gratefulness? May I be able to look at all that you have provided me with and see how blessed and favor I am and be grateful for what it is?
God, let us be good stewards of what it is you've put in front of us. Whatever we do maybe do it in your name, maybe do it for you. And I just thank you today for the ability to be a reflection of your light in business, in work and in my relationships, God, thank you for or all that you've done. God, I ask that you put your hand on every single woman represented listening to this podcast. I pray that their homes are blessed. I pray that their work is blessed. I pray that their minds are blessed. I pray that it, their hearts are blessed. God I ask for healing in minds, bodies, emotions, spirits. I ask for that healing for your women, your children of God. I ask that you bless each and every household that's represented. As woman represented here gives her heart to you, gives her intentions to you and strives to walk in the purpose that you have given her in Jesus name. Amen ladies, I'll see you on the next episode.

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
EP 54 How to Pray for Physical Healing in Your Body- Power of Prayer Series- By His Stripes We Are Healed!
Hey ladies, welcome back. And we are back for a power of prayer series. And today we will be going over another piece of our last pie and we will be going over praying for our physical healing. Join me and we'll see it inside.
Podcast: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifepodcast
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Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ IIDEAA Framework Journal: http://bit.ly/IIDEAAjournal
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Angie’s Coaching Menu: visit website at www.angietoninirogers.com
Hey ladies, welcome back to this episode of Wholly Made Life™ and we're still in the series of the power of prayer. So the power of prayer series, and last time we went over the prayer and I directed that prayer for our children. And so the purpose of this series is to give you an idea of how you can use the word of God and use what it is that you need, what you're thankful for, what you're grateful for, what you're praising God for, and just have that daily intimate relationship with God, with your friends, your counselor, your father, , you know, the one that is there for you at all times, it's just a way to talk to him and develop that relationship. So, , I am just doing this power of prayer series in different areas of our life wheel. And since I did children last week, I think today we're going to do in our physical part of our pie, our life pie or our wheel of life.
We're going to talk about healing for our bodies. So, and these are just examples. I've, you know, made up some of these things I've used. , you know, I find scriptures and pray or reflect on those scriptures or use words from those scriptures. I've looked up different prayers for different things on the internet. , a lot of my friends I've asked, Hey, what do you do about this? Or do you have a good prayer or good scriptures that you pray when you were needing healing in your body or you're needing intervention for your children? So talk to those around you that are like-minded. And, , no, you know, those, those people that, you know, are, , pursuing a relationship with God through the word of God, through the Bible and ask them what are the scriptures they use? What are some prayers that they say?
And so that's where all of these things come from. So, I want to give credit where credit's due. So I don't know where a lot of these things are, come from. Basically, here’s what I do: I have a notes app for the iPhone on my Phone and I, every time I come across a prayer, whether I hear it, or whether I find it on the internet or a friend gives me reference or says a prayer, I make notes about that. And I keep a huge long, , place where I like, , basically have a whole list of different prayers and different scripture. So that's how I do it. So when I need to have some guidance, , or I need some help with my words, or I want to pray specifically or intentionally for something like my children or my marriage or healing, then I'll go to this reference that I've created on my iPhone.
Okay. So, the other thing to remember too, is that when you're coming to God, you know, we always want to come with him with a clean heart and, you know, every single day all of us have done or said something that maybe, , or, and been engaged in something, or maybe had an interaction that we weren't, , maybe as, , as intentional about being loving towards that person or towards that situation. And so we just always want to thank God and praise him for who he is and for his grace and his mercy, and ask him for forgiveness for any of those things that we may have in our hearts that are not, , clean that unconfessed sin in our lives so that we're not afraid to come to him or, you know, and he's the graceful merciful father. So he is there and he already knows anyway.
So just saying it to him, confessing it to him with your mouth, , will help, , you know, get you into the right state of mind. So let's talk a little bit about, let's see, let's go into prayer about healing for the body today. , and, and maybe I'll just go over some scriptures and then maybe I will just, you know, pray. So we'll just kind of do do this, and this was what this would be, what I would be doing, you know, with God as well. So, , James five 15 says the prayer of faith shall save the sick. So having that faith, God, I thank you that you're a faithful father, a faithful God. And I thank you for you increasing my faith. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. And every tongue that rises against me in judgment, you will condemn.
, I am strengthened by you God and I thank you God for being present in my spirit. , I renounce all bitterness, anger, revenge, unforgiveness, mouse, envy, jealousy, lust, , any pride or fear in the name of Jesus. I ask you for forgiveness for anything I've done or said that was not of the Lord. , and ask you to forgive me and, you know, reveal those things to me. If I have done or said something or been in a place where I am not, , walking out the purpose that you have for me, or I am not treating someone with the love of Jesus, reveal those things to me so that I can work to fix those. , and, and forgive me and allow me to start to forgive myself. , I am thankful for you because you, you bless me. You lift me up, you are gracious.
, you give me peace, you command blessings upon my life. And I'm thankful for that. , I got, I thank you for healing in my body. I thank you that, , your grace and goodness allows me to be in your presence, allows me to dwell with you forever. , even though I'm walking through the valley of the shadow of death, you are with me and your rod and your staff, they comfort me. So even when my circstances don't line up, God, I thank you to know that you are there with me. You haven't given me a spirit of fear. You've given me a sound, mind, a power and love and a sound mind. , that's in two Timothy, one seven, and I think, , I'm not the best with remembering the actual scriptures. God, forgive me for that. Let me have a heart for the word so that I can remember where scriptures are in the book.
, but I thank you that you've given me the book to read every day and remind myself every day of what you have said to me. And I thank you for that. , I thank you, God, that you are healing me through your protective and preserving blood of Jesus Christ. You, you preserve and you renew my spirit, soul, and body, and you have sent the world to the word to heal me the word to heal me. I receive healing from you now. And I thank you, God that you give me life more abundantly than I could ever even ask. , you heal me and I call upon the name of Jesus Christ, , against any other name, any time that there is a physical diagnosis that gives it a name, and we know that your name God is above all names. And we know that you were, you will heal us from that.
You will heal me from that. You will deliver me from things that are too strong for me. You will, you will take over when my strength is not enough. You are enough. And I thank you, God, you are God over all flesh. Therefore there is no sickness. There is no disease. There is no infirmity. , that ails me. You can deliver me from all of that. You deliver me from evil. You deliver me from all sickness. I am redeemed. I am, , redeemed from sickness and disease. , everything is stopped through the blood of Jesus Christ. And I thank you for that. Thank you for delivering us. God, you are the strength of my wife and you are that shield of faith that quenches every fiery dart of the enemy, even when it has a heavy name, , that is a physical diagnosis. You are over my life.
You are healing me. You are holding me in the cliff. The, you are hiding me under your wings. And I thank you God for that. , we release the fire of God to burn out any sickness or disease that would operate in our bodies in the name of Jesus Christ, no sickness or plague or illness or infirmity shall remain in my dwelling in my body or in my household heal me and I shall be healed. You are a healer, you heal all disease. , you, you said that we will live and not die. And if we proclaim proclaim the name of the Lord, and that is what we do today, we proclaim your name above all names. Thank you God for renewing my youth. , thank you for, , you, your, your sacrifice, you by your stripes, we are healed. All of it was finished.
It's already finished. , and I asked that we see you and your stripes and your wound, your wounds that were, that happened because of my transgressions. And I thank you God, for your sacrifice for me, you left me enough to have a finished work. And I thank you God for that. And, , God, let's see, I'm gonna go through this last part, God. , and I just I'm, I'm this thankful that you hear every prayer and every word I pray for every organ in our bodies. And those of the listening ladies that are here, I pray over them, command every organ in our bodies to function in the way that you intended them to be, , in the name of Jesus. I call out every tor in growth and let it melt right now in the name of Jesus in the presence of God, let any infection in their bodies be burned by the fire of God.
The fire of the holy spirit, I release them from. We release you, you, they are released, , from all allergies and viruses in the name of Jesus Christ, because you are the healer. You are the ultimate physician. I pray for their arteries and veins to be open and circulatory system to function properly in the name of Jesus. I pray that temperatures remain in the normal range that you've created them to be. I pray that their blood circulates around their body, to the heart, through the arteries, into the veins, to deliver oxygen and nutrients to their organs and carry waste products away in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray for the, , skin system, integentary system, , skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, and other glands to be healthy and to be functioning in the way that you've intended so that our youth is renewed and functions functioning in the way that you've designed them to in the name of Jesus, I pray for digestive and excretory systems to absorb nutrients and eliminate waste from their bodies as they were designed to do.
I pray for the endocrine system, which regulates hormones to function as you, God intended them to function in the name of Jesus. I pray for, , our immune systems to be strengthened in the name of Jesus. Also our lymphatic systems to defend our bodies from any pathogens, which we may be exposed to. I prefer muscular systems to be strengthened and be supple enough for them to be removed or move with ease and without pain in the name of Jesus. I pray for nervous systems to collect and process information from, from our senses via the nerves in our brain, as you've intended them to do our brains and spinal cords will process integrate and control information received from our sense organs and send instructions to the rest of our body, , in the way that you've designed it to. I pray for our renal and urinary systems, including our kidneys to filter blood and produce urine as waste to be expelled from our body.
Just as you've designed it specifically to do in our reproductive systems. God, I pray that they function as you've designed them to do right now. God, I just, I want to pray for all those I'm hoping and praying for a baby. God let their reproductive systems work exactly as you've designed them to do. And in the name of Jesus, I pray for their miracle pregnancies right now in the name of Jesus. I pray for our respiratory systems to be strengthened and recover from any virus or any allergy or anything that we've been exposed to. I pray that we function our lungs function, , and we'll not be impaired and it will function in the way that you've intended for our system to be strengthened and to be able to carry our body and organs as you've designed them to do I pray and know right now that we are made whole in Jesus Christ. And I thank you God for making us whole, I thank you for healing, our bodies and God, despite our circumstances, despite what we see in this world, God, we know what the truth is. And I thank you, God that you've created each of us so uniquely, but in such a miraculous way that our bodies will be healed in the name of Jesus. As you said, by your stripes, we are healed. And we thank you today in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Thank you guys. And join me next episode for the next prayer, the next power of prayer series. And we will go over another piece of our life pie and cover that piece in prayer.

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
EP 53: How to Pray for Your Children's Safety, Blessings, Favor, Protection Against the weapons & lies of the world, lies of the enemy
Podcast: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifepodcast
Website: https://www.angietoninirogers.com
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Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup
Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ IIDEAA Framework Journal: http://bit.ly/IIDEAAjournal
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Angie’s Coaching Menu: visit website at www.angietoninirogers.com
Okay. Let's get into this episode where we are going to say some prayers for our children. So I'll just hop right into it. Let's talk today about the spirit of alcohol abuse and dependence, or I'm going to throw in praying against the attack of the enemy related to nicotine alcohol abuse, dependence generational curses, disorientation division conflict, those kinds of things. Okay. All right. So God would come to you to gait today. Love thanks. And just Thanksgiving, we praise you God, for who you are. We praise you, God that you already have the end in mind. There is a mark today that all of our children will come back to you, come to you and be drawn to you by the holy spirit, they will, it will, they will be drawn as magnets to you. God, because you have all that they need.
And we thank you, God, that there is a mark today where our children will see the purpose that you have. And they will see themselves God, as you have designed them. So right now, God, we come against the attack of the enemy. We rebuke alcohol abuse and dependence. We rebuke nicotine dependence. We review all generational calls, persons God in the name of Jesus rebuked, the spirit of drunkenness, confusion, division, disorientation conflict generational curses. We break the and ties that enemy has set up before our children of the promise. We send back every word assigned by the devil. And I say that all of these things, the enemy has set up against our children was a thing of the past and will be no more in the name of Jesus. And in the mighty blood of Jesus. I call out every wicked spirit who have attached themselves to my sons.
God, I, I asked for complete freedom and Liberty from every attack of the enemy that has been set up before them. It is not your will God that our children live in the lies of the enemy. So we want us to be cleaned this day. We wipe every unclean spirit that's inside of us. We call out every evil, demonic spirit to reveal itself and be banished immediately go far from us. Now, enemy, you have no strength. You have no authority here in my household with my children, with my husband, there is no power in you, God, because God is faithful and he will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. But when we are tempted, God, I thank you that you give us a way out that we can endure God. There is no excuse for the attack of the enemy in our lives.
God, we ask that you remove it now from our thoughts and our actions for everything in this world. For the less of the flesh, the less of the eyes, the pride of life comes not from the father, but from the world. And we rebuke every worldly spirit that has taken a whole of our minds and our bodies, our emotions, and our spirit. We rebuke it now in the name of Jesus, God, we chase the spirit of the enemies away from our home, away from our children and away from our family members. We break generational courses right now in the name of Jesus. I bind and cast out every spirit that is not of you from my children, heavenly father. In this day of trouble, I call on you. I seek your face for righteousness in our lives. I believe that you will banish all forms of attack that the enemy has come against us in the name of Jesus for we, no weapon formed against us shall prosper when we are within the love of Jesus Christ and under the mighty powerful blood of Jesus.
God hear our cry. Let our prayers rise up to you. I beg you to act quickly for our children could be an imminent danger from the worldly enemy. Demonic lies that are upon them. Their lives might be endangered Lord and I am in a helpless position. I ask that you send your angelic hosts to keep my children safe for rent forever now and forever surround them above them, beneath them, beside them, behind them in front of them. Surround them God with your angelic hosts to protect them from the lies of the enemy. I asked for the holy spirit to convict and persuade and strengthen my children in Jesus name. I pray the holy Spirit's power over the enemy and his forces of evil that daily assault our child through the media, through internet, through social media, through TV, through music, God, the demonic lies of the world will fall, fall a powerless at their feet.
God, because you, God are the ultimate in all mighty power. And we plead the blood of Jesus over their lives. I pray the holy Spirit's power of the enemy and his forces of evil. I pray against the enemies. Deceitful promises, let them recognize the lies of this world. Let them recognize the lies of the devil, the lies of the enemy. The demonic lies that come against them everyday. God let them see them for what it is. If it is not in alignment with your word guy, God, it is a lie. I pray against the pleasure of evil and I pray that sin tastes bitter to my children. God, you understand us. You understand a parent's heart. You know that we trust you. We love you. We have faith in you, but as a parent, it is so hard to leave our child completely in your hands.
It's hard for us, God. So we pray for strength and wisdom and discernment that we can give our children back to you. They, our RC that you have trusted us with and given us, given us and we pray God that you keep your hand on them. God, we pray for strength. As we give you complete trust. And we hand our children to you. We are worried or even angry about the evil influences that push against our children. God. And we asked for a hedge of protection to be placed all around them. God, place your hands around our children and guide them into your presence. Give them a Thurston, a hunger for you and a dissatisfaction for the pleasures of this world. Place people in their lives, in their paths to influence and encourage them towards the heart of God. I asked for a holy spirit to convict and persuade and my children in Jesus name.
I pray the holy spirit power over the enemy because the enemy has no power under the blood of Jesus Christ. And I pray over the daily assaults against my child. I pray that there is recognition there that the holy spirit recognition against whatever is deceitful and whatever is of this world. I pray against the pleasure of evil. I pray that harmful friends and dangerous actions brighten my children so that they run towards you for protection and power and purpose, help them find their identity in you alone and not in the lies of the enemy, not in the lies of this world, but you got, you give them are their identity. And I pray that you reveal that identity to them. I claim victory over my child's life because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross and his powerful resurrection in Jesus, holy and mighty name. I pray for them to return to the blessings of a life lived holy for God.
May they walk worthy of your calling? May they please? You may. They conform no longer to the world, but be transformed in their minds, lead them into your good and perfect. Will I give them into your hands God, to transform them through your power in Jesus' precious name. Amen. And that would be a prayer that you can pray over your children every day, because prayer, my friends is powerful and he hears it. And when we pray these things together, and like I said, put your kids' names in there. And when I say help, my children find their identity. I say, help, Clayton help Elijah, help Ryzen find their identities in you alone. Put their names in there. And when I pray, I also put my friend's kids names in here. I put my children's friends names in here because that is powerful. We need to raise our kids up and we need to hand our kids up to God so that he is in, we are in constant unity over the holy spirit having control over our children's lives.
And in Jesus name, we pray for that covering and protection. And we pray for that strength. As parents, as we walk through life, when our children aren't always making the decisions that we wish they would make, or we know they should make, we, we pray for strength to hand them up to God and trust that God has a marked day, that they will be coming to the full light of the holy spirit and understand what their purpose is for God. And we pray for that consistent hedge of protection and give us strength. As we know that God will send his angelic hosts forward to prepare them and keep them in the name of Jesus. Amen. All right, until next time, ladies,
Hey, before you go, I'd love for you to hop over to my podcast and give me a review and you know, I'd love five stars. That's how we can share this thing with other women, just like us, your five stars and written review really helps me get the word out. You can also take a screenshot of this episode and tag me in your Insta and Facebook stories. And I'll give you a shout out right back, leaving a review and sharing this episode is the best way you can show me some luck. Thanks so much. And I'll see him the next episode. And remember your smile is like a boomerang, throw one at somebody and it'll come right back.

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
EP 52: Power of Prayer- How to Pray So That God Hears You! How to Get the Answers You Need- Does God Really Hear Me When I Pray? Do I Need to Pray Out Loud?
What's up guys. Welcome back to this episode of Wholly Made Life™ and ladies, the very first thing I have to do is apologize because the last time when I started the new season, I said that I'm going to drop an episode per week. Well, life happened and I wasn't able to be consistent with that. So there are a lot of things going on right now in my life as I am sure your life. And so in order to night, make a liar out of myself, which I never intend to do. I will just say that we will meet hopefully monthly. Okay. And if I can release more than that, then that's amazing. That's awesome. But I am going to right now in this season, at least try to drop an episode at least once a month. I mean, these weeks have been flying by.
Podcast: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifepodcast
Website: https://www.angietoninirogers.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/angie.toninirogers
Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup
Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ IIDEAA Framework Journal: http://bit.ly/IIDEAAjournal
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Angie’s Coaching Menu: visit website at www.angietoninirogers.com
So I have been up to a couple of different things, which I'll talk about in another episode, but it's just been quite crazy if I want to be completely out there and honest, but today's episode lady, ladies is about something that a lot of you guys have asked about. And according to one of the most popular episodes that I have it is about prayer and the power of prayer. So I want to talk a little bit today and not too long, but just a little short episode here to talk to you about the power of prayer, because prayer is so, so very important in all of our lives and all of the lives that you are connected. Prayer is so powerful. So the very number one highest tip that I can tell you about the power of prayer is that then de you have to do it.
There is power in prayer, but only if you do it. So in order to, you know, reap all the benefits of prayer, you have to pray. And I think sometimes we think that it's, oh, we'll do it tomorrow and put it off. But guys, if we really thought about how powerful prayer is we would be making more time to pray. So if nothing else just do it, just pray. That is the number one thing I can say to you about the power of prayer is that it is powerful because we do it. And one thing that I want you to think about is it's not that you are powerful when you pray it's in who it is. We are praying to the power comes from God and God is capable to do all things. He works all things together for our good, for those of us who, who believe.
And I believe that a hundred percent. And so it's not that because I pray things happen it's that God responds to our prayer. God is the power behind our prayer. And when we are in unity, when we are with him, when we are in unity with others, praying about a certain thing or a certain person, or a certain situation, or our government or our schools, or our cities our leadership when we are in unison and praying for that, there is more power in that. And because God who it is that we are praying to is the all powerful. He is the one that makes things happen. And when the holy spirit moves through prayer and through that faith that develops in that discipline that develops that obedience, that develops through our prayer things happen. That is how it works. So the power of prayer comes from number one in doing it.
And number two, in having faith and knowledge in the one that we are praying to. And when we are praying to God it is not like I said, the result of our praying, as far as the power in that it is the power that resides in God. It is he, that will answer our prayers if they are in agreement with his will. And so knowing his word is also important when we are praying, because if we are praying in alignment with his word, then he will act in accordance to his word and his will. He will answer us and no answer is an answer, a delay. Isn't an answer. Sometimes it's, it's always going to be in our best interest. He works all things out for our good and if it does, if it aligns with his will, then it is going to come to pass.
And the other piece of that is that even when there's a no, or even when there's a delay, or even when there is no answer, we continue to pray. And we continue to take those steps because all of our steps are ordered by the Lord, if we are called for his purpose. And we are in obedience to what it is, we feel like he's calling us to, then we are taking those steps of faith and we will see the results from that, whether now or later, whether our circumstances line up to what we know is the truth is really not relevant. It is our actions in the meantime you know, as you guys know, as I stepped out of my nursing career and because, you know, God said, you know, step out, there's something different. I have more, I have different for you.
I didn't know. And I still am in the process of walking that out. And that's been one of the things that I've been working on is this new adventure. I'm doing the coaching for women and that has been amazing and that is continuing and will continue. And I have been doing a lot of real estate investing with a group of people here, locally, learning a lot of things, managing some short-term rentals helping to place travel nurses that come to serve our community here in Louisville. And I recently just passed my real estate exam. And so I will become an agent and I will help people sell their homes here in Louisville as part of that process. But, you know, I don't know what all the things are gonna look like, but I do know that I know, like I know, like I know that God asked me to step out.
So when I'm obedient that is when the, the revelation comes. That's when things are revealed because as you take steps more and more is revealed and you know, just like every time you take a step, if you take one step down a step, your perspective of what you can see changes. If I am sitting in a chair looking out my window, well, my perspective is different than if I stand up and take a step towards the window. So you have to always be moving forward and you have to be doing that in obedience. And one of the tips somebody asked recently, well, how do you know what, you know, when you're praying and you're praying about something specific, how do you know what the answer is? Or how do you know? And for me, I really just continue to pray about it until I feel a peace about the decision.
If I don't feel the piece about the decision, then I continue to pray about it because I don't want to take a step in a direction if I don't feel that it is in alignment with God, in some things you just know, okay, this is an alignment and you would take the step. And now not that you're not praying about it, but, but that you just, you, you just have that knowing it's those decisions that, where there are multiple doors open and you are having to make decisions about the doors that are in front of you, do you go left? Do you go right? Do you go straight? And you turn around you know, those are the decisions sometimes that are harder. And so what I do is I just continue to pray until I feel like I've gotten an answer. And the answer for me is typically feeling a peace about it.
And as long as I find that peace that I feel that kind of overwhelms me when I'm thinking and praying about a certain topic then I know that's the right decision. The here's the other thing. And recently I was in this position, there was a situation where I was praying about a door that I could walk through that I wasn't sure if that was the right door that I should be walking through. And I had some unsettleness. And instead of listening to that, unsettled this, or waiting to make that decision until I felt that peace, I went ahead and walked through that door. Well what I found was while that was a good experience, it was not the door that I was being called to. So while I made a decision to walk through a particular door and having a particular experience what God does is he helps you, even when you have taken a step that may not have been in alignment with what he wanted you to do.
So what you can trust is that even when we don't make the right decisions, God will still come chasing after us. He will still come to pull us back and get us back on the path that is in alignment with what he wants. That is in the ordered steps that he has for us. If we can take a step outside of the, the designed in divine steps, he already has prepared for us. He will come chasing. He will come through and get us back on the right track. If we are open and willing to listen, I almost immediately knew that this was not the right decision. And so I had to pray then for him to help me find a way to exit that situation. And he did just that it took a little bit of time, and I did learn stuff in the meantime, but looking back, I did not feel the peace making that decision.
And I should have waited until I got that final feeling of peace, or at least was able to proceed without the unsettleness that came with that. So that's important to remember that, you know, sometimes you just have to continue to pray until you feel like you've gotten that answer. Okay. Here's another big tip. As far as the power of prayer. I think some people get a little nervous about prayer because they're like, I don't have the right words. I don't know enough of the word. I sound silly when I pray. You know, maybe you were way raised to just pray certain prayers that you've kind of memorized. And you don't know how to pray outside of that. So the key here is, is that again, it's not about you and the words that you're saying, it's about your heart. It's about your intent to want to be closer to God, to want to talk to God.
And it's not about the words, it's not about the words that you say. It's not about the passion behind your prayer. It's not really about the purpose of your prayer. Other than you want to talk to God and you want to get closer to God. And you want him to know that you are trying to, to understand what his will is for you. You're asking him to reveal things to you, to show me who it is. You want me to help today, God, or, or show me what it is you want me to do today. God or God, there's three different jobs. I'm thinking about God, help me, help me make the right decision, help me make the decisions that's in your will help me get placed in the place where you want me to impact the people around around me. So it's about the intent and the heart of wanting to get closer to God and just wanting to make those decisions that he has already laid out for us.
Remember, it's a finished work. It's all finished. He already knows what the end is. He already has the path. It's just, how open are we to pray through those things and be willing to give him our yes. Even when that yes, feels scary. Like when I was walking away from my, you know, chief nursing job, that was these scariest thing, one of the scariest things that I've ever had to do. But I knew that it was right, because I knew that he called me to do that. And I said, yes. And I just took the step. And here I am almost, it's not quite a year later. It was back in November. So w w we're in October now we're getting ready to be in October. So almost nine months, eight months it's been, and he has provided. I mean, it's amazing when you step out on what God calls you to do when you are obedient, that brings the favor.
That is something pastor said in a service last night was the favor is a result of your obedience. That is powerful. The more obedient we can do to what it is, he's calling us to do the more favor and blessings follow us and touch others that we're impacted by. So again, remember, it's bigger than just me. It's bigger than just you. It is about your kids, your husband, your family your people on your job, the people that you haven't met yet, your obedience is important to the future for others, for their purpose, for their revelation of who they are and who they need to become to be in alignment with who God's calling them to be. Okay. And so I don't want you people to worry about their, their words or phrases. Just talk to God, just talk to him.
The more you read the word, the more you you know, focus on that. The more words you will have that are exactly in alignment with what God wants. And so, you know, pray to God to ask you for a hunger for his word, so that you want to wake up every morning and do a devotion. You want to wake up every morning and read a Bible verse or memorize a Bible verse or whatever it is that gets you closer to knowing more of his word, because his word is the truth. And our obedient obedience to that word is his will. And that will bring favor. You know, it's not magic, it's just obedience. It's it keeps us in relationship with him. It keeps us communicating with him and we just have to ask him for help. We have to, you know let him know what we need.
If we don't reveal to him what we need, then we haven't taken that step to say, I give it to you. God, show me, help me. Take me lead me. If you know, he knows what our needs are you, you know, the funny thing is it's like he knows the things that we have that we don't like about ourselves or that we're trying to hide. He knows what all those things are, but he has given us free will. And with that free will, we need to take action that shows him that we are obedient. And that shows him that we are in relationship with him. We trust him. We have faith in him. We love him. We want to hear from him. Okay. So it is so much about obedience. So that is the power of prayer that I want to talk about today.
Our wanted to talk about today and I encourage you to just start, just do it every single day. Make it part of your morning routine or your nightly routine, or, you know, when you're washing your hands, say a prayer, look at yourself in the mirror while you're washing your hands. You're supposed to be washing your hands for 20 seconds anyway. So say a prayer at that point, you know, and if you don't know anything else, say the, our father, you know, take that time to pray. Thank him. You know ask him tell him you know, all of the things that you would do with your father, your mother, or your best friend, like he is all of those things to us. So make sure that you are having those conversations with him daily and that's, it, it doesn't have to be scary.
It doesn't have to be formal. It's just you and God creating that daily relationship. And, you know, throughout the day, just thank him for whatever comes to your mind, just bring the acknowledgement to him and he will reward you for that. You will find favor and blessings through that obedience and that yes to God. All right, ladies, I will see you on the next episode for the next couple of episodes. What I am going to do is give you some ideas on prayers related to specific parts of our wheel of our life wheel. So parenting being a wife, being, becoming more spiritual your work, your finances. So I will go through this next series of just talking through different types of prayers that I have heard through my friends. Maybe I've gotten them off of the internet. Maybe I've gotten pieces out of the Bible.
You know, but just different prayers that could be in alignment with what it is you need to pray about right now. You know, for example, my, my son is in college and I am always praying for, you know, his covering and protection and salvation. And because that you need to cover your children at all times, and you need to thank God for connection that the holy spirit has with your children and that your children will continue to seek him out in all things, in everything that they do. And that he will reveal the purposes of their lives to them so that they know the steps that they should take. And they know the, you know, what they should study and all of those different things. So, all right, guys, next time we will do a series of prayers related to the different parts of our life. Okay. Thank you guys. Have an amazing day. And remember to reach out to me on Facebook, on the, in the Facebook group, a Wholly Made Life™ And you always can send me an email as well at atoninirogers@gmail.com
Hey, before you go, I'd love for you to hop over to my podcast and give me a review. And, you know, I love five stars. That's how we can share this thing with other women, just like us, your five stars and written review really helps me get the word out. You can also take a screenshot of this episode and tag me in your Insta and Facebook stories. And I'll give you a shout out right back, leaving a review and sharing this episode is the best way you can show me some luck. Thanks so much. And I'll see him the next. And remember your smile is like a boomerang, throw one at somebody and it'll come right back.

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
EP 51 How to Handle the Hot Summer Heat! What to Do if Your Thermostat Is Not Working- Difference Between a Thermometer and Thermostat
Ladies welcome back to Wholly Made Life™. I'm so excited to talk to you today. It is a new season of Wholly Made Life™. And we are going to talk about how to handle the heat. Let's go,
Podcast: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifepodcast
Website: https://www.angietoninirogers.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/angie.toninirogers
Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup
Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ IIDEAA Framework Journal: http://bit.ly/IIDEAAjournal
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Angie’s Coaching Menu: visit website at www.angietoninirogers.com
Hey mama. Welcome to Wholly Made Life™ where I believe that you are not created to do just one thing in your life. Well, you're not just your job, your title or your salary. You're not just a mom or a wife or a sister. You are fearfully and wonderfully made to lead in all areas of your whole life. Your life is like a pie that's made up of different pieces that create a complete circle and girl, you deserve to enjoy the whole pie. Hi, I'm Angie Tonini-Rogers and mama, I know you are really good at what you do in your profession or business, but if you're ready to stop ignoring different pieces of your pie and reclaim your whole life, then you are in the right place. Girl, let's tap into the whole life. God has for you and experienced that God size fulfilled life together. We're going to walk through some boundaries, leadership mindset and restoration in different areas of your life that may need to change. It's going to be some tough workup in here, girl, but we're going to walk this thing out together, uncovering some bold courageous actions that we can take to experience, not just a good life, but your whole life. Are you ready to live your whole life, Holy made? Let's Do it.
Oh my goodness. What is up? My Wholly Made Life™ ladies. It has felt like it has been so long. I took a break for the summer so that I could spend time building my business and spending time with family. So now that the kids are back in school last week, I am back. So I have missed you guys. I don't know how you guys feel, but on my end, when I do these podcasts, I feel like I'm talking to a group of girlfriends and I've missed you guys. So I just wanted to say a quick hello and let you know what this season of Wholly Made Life™ will be like. I am going to release one episode per week. That is my goal. I was doing two initially. Now that I've got my business up and running with life coaching and real estate investing, I'm doing some really excited things and exciting things, and it is like soaring off the ground.
So I am super busy and trying to organize all of my time while my balance in all parts of my life, right? Because that is the new goal, keeping that balance, whatever that looks like. And as that's defined by me for my life and my family, keeping that in check. So I am going to reduce this season to one episode and then we'll see what happens for the next season.
So today I wanted to talk to you about the heat. It has been such a hot summer, and I am telling you I'm missing the Arizona heat because that is such dry heat. And in Louisville here it is. So dag-gone humid in wet and just nasty so much that you can't even breathe. So, and I haven't even spent that much time in the pool. And so anyway but I wanted to, I was thinking about the heat and I was thinking about this concept of a thermometer versus a thermostat.
So let's talk a little bit about what this could mean for each of us. And I just want you to think about it. So a thermometer is a device that measures temperature or the gradient of temperature. Okay. It's has two important elements. It's a temperature sensor in which some change occurs with the change in the temperature. So it measures that change. It moves with the change in the environment. And it obviously translates that into a numerical value. Okay. A thermostat on the other hand is a regulating device and it senses the temperature of of an environment. And it regulates that environment. It maintains that desired set point that the thermostat has been preset with. So the main difference is that a thermometer measures the environment and moves and is impacted by the environment and the thermostat is what sets that temperature for the environment.
Okay. So we want to think about simple reasons why the thermostat might not getting power. Okay. Now, before we move there, I want you to just think about this. What did you as a person, as a mother, as a wife, as a, an employee, as a leader, would you want to be the thermometer or the thermostat in this situation? Think about this. Do you want to be the thermometer, which just changes your temperature based on the environment, based on your circumstances, based on your situation, or do you want to be the thermostat in the situation where you regulate the temperature, the environment, the situation, the circumstance. So think about that and let's move into some other pieces about thermostat and thermometers. So when there's an issue with a thermostat, it is because the service that is what is actually setting the temperature. And by the way, like spoiler, I want to try to be the thermostat.
I want to not be moved so easily that the environment, circumstance situation, the temperature when it gets too hot, too cold, too crazy, too chaotic. I don't want to mind for my temperature, my regulation to be impacted by the environment. I want to be the one that is steady within the environment and actually create that environment and set that temperature around me, set that a temperature for the environment, because that puts you in control and it doesn't allow these circumstances situations. No matter how hot it gets, it doesn't change your temperature. You set the tone, you set the environment. Okay. So I'll just go ahead and give you that. Spoiler let's have our goals to be a thermostat. Okay. So having said that if we are the thermostat, let's talk a little bit about when our thermostat, when we cannot appropriately regulate the environment, what might be causing that issue.
All right. So number one, the thermostat might not be getting power such as dead batteries or a tripped breaker or a blown, a blown fuse. Okay. So think about this. If you are the thermostat, where are you getting your refreshing? Where are you getting your power? If you are dead, if you are not energized, if you are not renewed and rejuvenated, then you are not going to have enough power, enough control to set the environment to the temperature that you need to have it at. Okay. So think about that. Where are you getting your power? Where are you plugged into? That's keeping you at a place where you have enough energy. You have enough power source to create that environment that you're intended to create. Okay. if you are certain that the thermostat is receiving power, then you're going to shut off that thermostat breaker in order to safely take off that cover and examine the inner components.
So let's say that you've assessed the fact, man, you, your power source for your thermostat is dead. Your batteries are dead. You have no fuel, you have no power. So then you've got to sit back and you got to take a look, an internal look at what needs to be fixed and examine those inner components. Is it your prayer life? Is it you're not in the word enough? Is it who you're hanging around is draining you? Is it that you're letting circumstances dictate the temperature? You're letting relationships dictate the temperature. You're letting your boss dictate the temperature of how you feel about what you've been called to do the purpose of your work. So take a minute and take off the cover. Take off that exterior and look inside. Look at those inner components. When thermostat problems develop, there are rarely dramatic events with sparks flying or where smoke alarms are sounding or that kind of thing.
Most thermostat malfunctions caused subtle or sudden changes in the performance of your cooling system. Ooh, you hear that subtle or sudden changes in your cooling system. What does it take for you to malfunction your thermostat? What around you happens that it takes for you to just lose and thermostat goes haywire. Okay. And is it, you know, it's not the big things. It's not the sparks in this smoke in the blow. The breaker blew up. It's the small things that sometimes change us from a thermostat into a thermometer. So think about that functionality. Think about the things that are happening around you that easily throw your function of your thermostat off learning how to troubleshoot these issues can help us avoid unnecessary and costly service calls. Okay. If you allow your thermostat to malfunction regularly, it's going to cost a lot more for you to get the environment, get the temperature backward.
It needs to be in your relationships at work in your relationship with God, with your husband, with your kids. If you let that thing go without the, the internal checks and without stopping to troubleshoot the issues, it is going to cause a lot more drama and it's going to cause a lot more heat. That's going to take a long time to cool off and get it to back to where it is a manageable temperature. Okay. So don't ignore problems that are coming in your thermostat. Don't ignore those problems that are, are malfunctioning, your ability to maintain the temperature you want around. You don't allow those things to happen. Okay. A couple of other things that I just thought was interesting in the thermostat this is interesting. So if everything emotionally on the outside looks okay, right? You're certain it's retreat. It's receiving power the breakers.
Okay. You were going to check for buildup of dirt, soot, cigarette smoke, or dust, a coating of debris on the mechanical or electronical components that can affect the thermostat's normal operation. What have you allowed to set upon your S to set in and settle down in your life, in your mind in your spirit that is causing debris and stuff, that's in the way of your thermostat correctly working. Okay. carefully clean the thermostat internal parts with the soft brush. Okay. Give yourself grace and forgiveness. If you find yourself with dust and debris, okay. Give yourself some forgiveness and grace, once it's clean check for obvious problems with other components, other things outside like loose wiring or loose screws that need to be tightened, check all those things that might be impacting you and other people in your lives look for signs of corrosion.
Okay. And then finally use your owner's manual in order to ensure that you are repairing the inner workings of the thermostat correctly. Yall, does this not speak to you spiritually or what? I don't know why this whole thing was like all kinds of spiritual talk to me, but it was you know, a buildup of grinding costs, inconsistencies between the temperature setting in the actual room temperature. So clean it up, don't allow the grind, a poor installation job or insulation can also throw it off kilter. Okay. Who are you surrounding yourself by? We kind of talked about that a little bit. All right. And then finally, if the thermostat is in a bad location, it will not be able to accurately regulate the temperature. Where are you in position, your position matters? Where are you in your mind, your body, your spirit, your emotions, where are you?
Are you saying yes to what it is God's calling you to say yes to and no, to what it is the holy Spirit's guiding you to say no to. Are you in a place of position and argue, stewarding that position? Well, whew. Hello? Are you stewarding that position that you are in well in? Are you in the right spot? Okay. Are you taking advantage of the position? Okay. and then finally, let's see. Okay. Finally, if you are not able to get your problem solved, if you have done everything, you can, everything, you know how to do then do not be afraid to reach out to an experienced HVAC professional, to investigate and help you figure out the issue. Girl, if you've got some issues, you can't figure out, reach out to your community. Number one, that's what we're here for. If you need additional help or you need to reach out, then reach out to me and we will go through a coaching session, just reach out to somebody.
If you can't figure out what it is, that's throwing you off and unable to program you to the place where you can create that environment, that at the temperature that you can function properly in, then you need to reach out to one of your people, your supportive people. That will also not be the one that is helping you get all off on a malfunction. Right? You gotta be careful of who it is that you're discussing these things with. Okay. All right. So that is the thermostat. That is the thermostat. I just, for whatever reason, that is something that was speaking to me. And I thought that why not go ahead and share that with the type of heat that we've been having and let's make it a situation in which we are more mindful of the environment that we are creating, that we are regulating and realize that we are the thermostat we are in control of that we can use information that's happening around us and regulate ourselves so that it doesn't negatively impact those around us and in the environment that we have. Okay. All right, ladies, it was great to be back with you today. I will see you next week. Have an amazing week. Don't forget to reach out if you need anything and we can, oh, it's hot.
Hey, before you go, I'd love for you to hop over to my podcast and give me a review. And you know, I'd love five stars. That's how we can share this thing with other women, just like us, your five stars and written review really helps me get the word out. You can also take a screenshot of this episode and tag me in your Insta and Facebook stories. And I'll give you a shout out right back, leaving a review and sharing this episode is the best way you can show me some luck. Thanks so much. And I'll see him the next episode. And remember your smile is like a boomerang, throw one at somebody and it'll come right back.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
EP 50 The Power of Prayer: The 5 Types of Prayer. The Gift of Praying for those You Love Through Thanksgiving, Praise, Worship, Petition, Intercession, Supplication, Spiritual Warfare
Website: https://www.angietoninirogers.com
Angie Tonini-Rogers is a daughter of a King first. Wife to the tall dark, handsome man she’s been with for 24 years, BoyMom of 3 boys, born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. She’s been a nurse leader for over 15 years, & recently transitioned from a Chief Nursing Officer position to start her own business. She is the host of the inspiring and slightly provoking podcast, Wholly Made Life™, for Success-driven women who deserve it all, in all areas of their lives, not just the professional.
Her mission is to help successful, working moms create boundaries and balance in their lives, so that they can experience their God-sized, fulfilled, Whole Life, Holy Made.
Angie specializes in helping professional women tap into their whole God-sized life, through intentional life coaching; balance, boundary, and accountability strategies, and restoring the mindset that God has for her; helping her to uncover bold, courageous actions she can take to experience not just a good life, but claim fulfillment in all areas of her whole life.
Angie believes that each fearfully and wonderfully made woman has a God-given calling, and that we are more than “just” our title, position, and salary; we’re more than “just” a mom, wife, sister. Angie helps woman rediscover who they are, and identify areas of her life that may need a change.
Angie believes that God has a plan for each woman, that only she can live out and accomplish all the things He has for her; and His idea is always so much bigger and better than we can ever imagine.
It’s a journey to become the woman she is called to be, and Angie believes that each of us need a community in which we can encourage each other to grow, learn, and lead in all areas of our lives.
Every woman deserves to live her life, feeling fulfilled in every area of her life. Girl, Let’s walk this thing out together, you deserve your Wholly Made Life™!
FB: https://www.facebook.com/angie.toninirogers
Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup
Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ IIDEAA Framework Journal: http://bit.ly/IIDEAAjournal
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Angie’s Coaching Menu: visit website at www.angietoninirogers.com
Welcome back to this episode of Wholly Made Life™. This is episode 50. I cannot believe that I have made it to number 50 and I would not have made it without the constant feedback that I'm getting from you. Ladies listening your beautiful reviews that you've left your engagement in the Facebook group, your texts and your emails, your private messages on Facebook or Instagram. I have just been so grateful that I have been able to share with you guys and that you guys have reached out to, you know, commune with me and live life. And I just love each and every one of you guys that have participated in helping me, supporting me and supporting our community to help each other, grow into the women that God is calling us to be. So I just want to thank you today.
Today. I have a gift for you because I am praying for each one of you. And I think that sometimes we think that prayer has to be some formal regimented or powerful words, big words. And you know, really prayer is just the way that we build relationship with God. It's much like, you know, God wants to be in our lives and wants to work powerfully in our lives. And he just wants relationship with us. He wants to commune with us just like we want to commune with each other. And when you think about a friendship, it's hard to develop that friendship more deeply. If you're not having a phone call here or there, or grabbing a cup of tea or coffee together, or going out to eat or emailing or checking up on Facebook or whatever that relationship is with that friendship, it's kind of hard to develop that any further, if you're not engaging with each other.
And prayer is simply the way that we can commune and have relationship with God and because of our community and you guys I know how important prayer is and I know how powerful prayer can be. And you know, I think that you really know how much you love someone else based on how much time you're spending in prayer for them and about them. And a lot of times, you know, we don't always focus our prayers on external or out outward focus. So sometimes we're praying for ourselves praying for our own needs, our own family's needs, but you know, our prayer is powerful and God hears it. Whether we say it out loud or not, he knows everything about us. He knows our feelings. He knows our emotions. He knows our needs. He knows our wants, but he wants us to have that conversation with him.
And the more that I think that we can focus our prayer on others and outward focus, I think that that also blesses us. So I just want to challenge each and every one of us to love each other enough, to keep each other in prayer and spend that time to lift each other up in prayer so that we're all you know, covered and protected. And we're all standing in agreement together. When we stand in agreement, God's always right there in the midst of it. So I think it's important for us to just remember that as we pray to include time, that you spend praying for other people, praying for your church, praying for your schools, that you're a part of praying for your communities, your government leadership, the church leadership, your pastors, and their families. And all of those that are connected.
All of those that are in your cities, in your the grocery stores, you know, there's just so much power in prayer. And I think important to take time, to really be intentional about who you're praying for, how you're praying and making sure that we're including all of the little things and the big things, because I believe that power is prayer or prayer is powerful and power is prayer. So I guess both ways, but I wanted to kind of discuss a little bit because I think sometimes people just get nervous about prayer. I know that I used to, and I know even now in groups that I'm in, sometimes when people are hall on the prey, it's like, oh my gosh, like I had to pray out loud in front of this group. And it's kind of, I don't know if we've gotten conditioned to think that we have to sound a certain way or say a certain thing, or we have to be very biblically knowledge base.
You know, I'm the first one to admit that I have a difficult time memorizing scripture. I can talk about the gist of different things, but if I need to quote scripture, a lot of times I got to go look it up. And I have, you know, there are people that are kind of Bible scholars where I can think of one right now where I can say, okay, it was a, it was a story about this. Or it was a scripture, something about that.dot and that person can say, oh yeah, that's in you know Psalms two, five, or, you know, whatever. I have no idea what that is without looking, but, but you don't have to be this special person that has all of this biblical scripture memorized. You just talk, you just have a conversation and you just make your needs known.
So let's talk about the different kinds of prayer so that we can kind of dispel this whole pressure around what prayer should sound like or look like. Let's talk a little bit about what prayer is. So the first thing I there's different kinds of prayer. And the first thing I always I always start with, and this is just me and there is no particular order. There's no rule about how you start, what, when you start, when you pray. I mean, I literally pray throughout the day. I'm always talking and having a conversation with God about different things. But the first thing I do is I think, God, so I give praise and worship and thankfulness in, in in making sure that I take time to thank him for all of the, he's done all that he is doing and all that I know that he will do.
And I think that shows acknowledgement of everything that he's done and it shows love and respect and, you know, the reverence that we have for him and just giving him that do thankfulness and praise and, you know, it's great to always start every, every situation every day, every end, every day before you go to bed in thankfulness and in gratitude, there's so much power in, you know, if you can start your day off with what are you thankful for, or what are you grateful for? What, what do you have gratitude for that? Just start your day off in such a powerful way, way. So that's how I start off. I always start with thank, you know, thanking him, praising him and just worshiping him for all that he's done. And the next thing, and again, these are not in any particular order. This is just the different kinds of prayers that I tend to think of when I'm praying is petition intersession.
So this is where we are asking our own needs, but we're also asking in praying for concerns that we have for others. And you know, specifically, I like to focus this on the needs of others and it can be people or families or organizations but just you government, government leadership, those kinds of things, what is it that we need in our communities and in our, and in families that we know of this really just helps us to intercede and internalize God's word and exercise the power that he's given us to ask for what ask for what we desire, ask for what we need and focus that on others as well. What, you know, we need wisdom and strength and discernment for our government leaders, for our church leaders, for our the school leaders and faculty, you know, so it's okay that pray in general, and then it's okay to call each other's names out.
I like to, to keep a little list of people that I'm always praying for and call them names out and call her family's name, their family members names out because I want God to know that I am taking specific intentional time to, you know, ask him to meet the needs of those that are in my life. And then sometimes those that I don't even know, so petition in our session supplications. So this is a prayer and that involves the asking or you know, the earnest ask for something that is through reverence and almost a plea almost you're begging almost, but in a, in a way that's loving and caring and, and not, I don't mean that in any negative connotation whatsoever, but it's a hump. It's a humbling prayer. It is one that says, God, I surrender it all to you.
I have no control over this. I understand that you are the one that can take care of this. And I am giving it all away, giving it all up to you because you are the only one that can do this. So it's almost like you're begging him in, in a humble way, you're kneeling, you're, you're reverent, you're maybe you're bending down, maybe you're laying prone. But you are almost pleading with him to, to understand that you are giving it all to him. You're surrendering all of it. And that you don't, you know, that you don't have the control. And another kind of prayer that I think of is is like spiritual warfare. So we live in a world that is physical and fleshly. You know, we know that, but I also believe that we live in a world that is spiritual, where there we live among a spiritual realm and everything is not always fleshly that we're fighting against.
And as a matter of fact, when we deal with things, it is, is most of the time backed up by spiritual the spiritual realm. So powers and principalities, you know, there's, that is in the Bible as well as that. We are fighting against spiritual realms, not the flesh that stands in front of us. So it, you know, you pray for covering and protection. You pray for, you know, our paths to, you know, for him to go forward for him to go in front of us and prepare our paths so that we are armed and prepared when we come into contact with things that are beyond our control. And, you know, this is also some of the prayer that goes into protecting us from stuff that we never even know that we were protected from in the first place, because our prayer was sent out before us and our faith and trust in him that he is protecting us against stuff that we will never even come into contact with.
And then when we are in the middle of a circumstance in the middle of a hard trials tribulations, that he will deliver us from that you know, we ask him to deliver us from all evil and we ask him to help us out of every situation that comes forward and give us that strength where we would otherwise be weak. He works all things out for our good, and even in those times that are really hard for us to go through those times where we are feeling like we're in the dark, but we know that within us is that light to continue to push forward and continue to take each step one foot in front of the other because he is there and he has lit up our path. He is protecting us from harm, no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
We were, we, we are overcomers. We are conquerors. We are the head and not the tail above and not beneath. So that is all prayer that helps prepare us in the spiritual realm, prepare us so that we are equipped with that full armor of God, that Bible talks about so that we are prepared when we come against those things that are coming against us spiritually and in the spiritual realm, so that we are prepared for any of those attacks that come against us, because we know that the enemy comes to steal, to kill and destroy, but God is our safe Haven. God gives us that protection and that covering. So that's what I think of when I think of prayer, you know, kind of the different kinds of prayer Thanksgiving worship and praise petition and our session supplementation, supplication, excuse me, in spiritual warfare, where we fight our battles with our words.
And certainly it is important to you know, if you don't have God's word memorize, certainly, you know some things, but even if you can't quote all of the scripture in the Bible, you know, you've got a few scriptures that you can pull out. You know, I've said a few just throughout this podcast episode already, you know, where he works all things out for our good that's in Romans 8 28. So you just grab a couple of, of scriptures that speak to you. And sometimes it's, you know, if you're going through something and you want to look up, you know, maybe you have a need for financial provision. So you look up some different quotes in the, or different scriptures in the Bible that you can just pick one or two and you write them down and you read them every night, every morning, every night, every morning.
And then pretty soon you can start to say those things and add those things into your prayer. So it's just what I am trying to get across, I guess, is that I, I, it just it's, it bothers me when people feel like they can't pray and they can't have this relationship because you're missing out. If you're not able to pray and have that conversation with God, you're missing out on creating that deeper and deeper relationship. I mean, the more you talk to him, the more you see, the more that is revealed, the more the holy spirit talks back. The more open your heart is to receive and your eyes are opened to see what it is he's trying to show you and your ears are open to hear what it is. He's trying to tell you, you start to see confirmations when you are intentionally looking for those confirmations and for that relationship with the holy spirit with God.
And the more you talk to him though, is, is how that grows. So I would just encourage you to just talk, just talk to him like you do anybody else, and it doesn't have to be you know, any specific way. But if you need guidance, then just think about these, you know, four or five ways that I've just said, and, you know, start with the thankfulness and the, or the Thanksgiving and go into worship him and praise him, and then petition and inner seed replicates the supplication, and then thinking about spiritual warfare. So think about those things, if you need some guidance, but, you know, if nothing else just talk to him, just talk to him and say, what is on your mind, say what's on your heart and he will respond as long as you are open. And you are intentional about having that conversation with them, with him.
So that is kind of where I started when I started to pray. And of course there are, there are definitely glycan Matthew six that has the, our father in there. And I grew up I actually grew up Catholic and I know a lot of the different prayers that we say. One of the things that as I grew into adulthood, I wanted to make sure that when I say the, our father, for example, that I'm actually thinking about what those words mean. So that it's not just a, I'm not just repeating words that I'm not in my heart and soul in mind really thinking about and trying to connect with God about what it is I'm saying. When I say deliver me from evil, I am thinking about God, protect me equip me with the armor of God, you know, light my path go before me and protect, cover me and my family and all of those that I'm going to come in contact with.
You know, when I'm, when I'm on the road driving, I'm asking him to protect the roadways and protect the other drivers and myself. So, you know, I'm thinking through those words and putting meaning to it, to make sure that I'm not just, I don't want to just do or say something without really connecting to the relationship. It's kind of like when you are texting and your kids talking to you and you're answering or a kid, but you really are not connecting with your kid. And quite frankly, you might not even really be answering the question that the kid's asking or you might not even really be hearing what it is is that you're answering. You might just be talking and not even realizing what you're answering. So it's just, again, that intention of what it is you're doing at the moment and who you're talking to and what you're talking about.
So that is my recommendation for those who have given feedback to say that they don't really know, quote unquote, how to pray, or they feel uncomfortable with praying out loud. And the other thing is just do it, just do it more and more and more, do it every day by yourself with God. And so then when you are in, you know, you're sitting at a dinner table and someone says, Hey, can you bless the food? Can you can you pray over the food? Then you're able to just, you know, have that conversation. And I promise you, nobody's sitting around judging what, like, oh my gosh, she stuttered. Or she didn't say this or that or the other, you know it, it's not a contest. It's not, there's not an expectation there. Your just like the way I talked to one of my friends is different than maybe you may talk to that same friend.
Let's say we have a friend named Rachel. I might have a different relationship with Rachel and be able to say, and do different things with her, then you might. And so the same thing, when you say your prayer, it is your prayer to your, to God. And it's your relationship with him? It has nothing to do with the way I might have said the thing to God, right? So there is no comparison. There is you know, we all are grown women here. We know that it would be it wouldn't really be appropriate for me to compare the way that I'm dealing with Rachel to the way that Sarah is dealing with Rachel and then make myself feel bad because of the way that I talked to Rachel and our re our nature of our relationship compared to Sarah, is it just doesn't make sense.
Now in high school, you know, we may have participated and engaged in that, but at this point, especially, you know, women listen to listening to this podcast, we know that we are accountable and we are always striving to grow and become who it is God's called us to be. So we wouldn't necessarily be participating in some of that comparison with, you know, well, you know, I talked to Rachel differently than she does. And does that mean that Rachel likes me less or likes me more, or, you know what I mean? It just, it doesn't make sense, especially when we're talking about God, our father who has created us and loves us unconditionally. No matter what we do, he just wants to hear from us. So that's my encouragement for you today. And I, you know, this whole thing happened because I was just grateful that, you know, I made it to 50 episodes and knowing that there's women on the other end listening and, you know, knowing that I'm praying for you.
And I love you enough to pray for you and that quote, that not quote, but that idea of you really know how much you love someone based on how much time you're spending in prayer for them or about them. And that just kind of hit me hard and that it, you know, it may be a little convicting to you as well. It was to me when I first heard that. And so I am intentional to make sure that I spend time in prayer for the people I care about and that, you know, spend time in prayer for, you know, people in leadership and people that have heavy burdens that they have to carry for others, like pastors of churches, priests of churches or parishes leadership in government governors and mayors and presidents you know, these people have heavy, heavy burdens and very hard decisions to make.
And none of us are in their place. And I think it's important for us to lift them up in prayer regardless because they are still, all of them are children of God and they all need to be lifted up in prayer. And some of us have more responsibilities to hold on our shoulders than others. And not that that makes anybody's burdens heavier lighter, but just when you think about the president of the United States, or when you think about the governor, or when you think about a pastor of a church who is pastoring people, those are heavy burdens. You know, when you think about the single mama, that's, you know, raising three kids or the busy working mama raising kids and trying to figure out how to run their household, the, the wife, who's trying to make sure that she's a great wife.
All of those are heavy burdens. So it's, again, we're not getting into competitors about this, but I'm just pointing out that it's important to just pray for those people in your circle and pray for those people that have heavy burdens and have a lot of decision making power that they would make decisions that are spiritually based and led by the holy spirit and that kind of thing. So, ladies, I'm sorry for you today. I pray that you are able to openly build a deeper and stronger relationship with God. I pray that you are able to discard any places that you feel uncomfortable or places that you feel like you're not good enough or not worthy enough to just have a conversation with your father God because he wants that relationship with you. And so I just pray that you are able to have courage, be bold and talk to your father, talk to God and just talk to him like anybody else is for as that you would want to build a relationship with.
So I pray for increased knowledge. I pray for an increased burning desire to learn more of his word, because his word is the truth. It's the way it's the light. And it empowers you, and it empowers you to strengthen your relationship, not only with him, but with everyone else in your circles. So I thank you God for each and every woman and each, and every woman that's represented here, their families, their communities, their schools, their, their husbands, their children their churches, their jobs. I pray for their walk in every one of their circles, because each of them have a designed, specific purpose that you've given each of them that is meant to impact their circle. And I just thank you God, for the power that you've given within them. I ask you that you reveal that to them. If they need some light shed upon what it is that you've given them, what it is inside of her that needs to grow or needs to to be God, I ask that you reveal that to her so that she is equipped with the knowledge of what it is. She who it is she is and what it is she's supposed to do to walk in your purpose. Thank you, God. And I just, I praise you for all that you've done. I praise you for all that you're doing, and I praise you for that. All you're going to do. I just thank you God, for all the women and the families represented here in the name of Jesus. I pray for their covering and their protection. Amen. All right, ladies, I'll see you guys on episode 51 next time.