Welcome to the Wholly Made Life™ podcast: ReClaim your Whole Life, Tap into God-Sized Fulfillment for the Success Driven Woman, Mama, Wife, Sister. Taking Courageous Action to Restore Faith & Fulfillment in your Motherhood, Mission, Marriage, & Mindset: You can be a Faith-Led Mama, Have a God-Led Marriage, Walk in Inspired Confidence, create Bold Balanced Boundaries, and live with a Holy-Spirited Mindset. You can have your Wholly Made Life™, where I believe that you are not created to do just one thing in your life well. You are not just your job, your title or your salary. You're not just a mom or sister. Maybe you're feeling a little burnt out, overwhelmed, or restless. But, You are fearfully and wonderfully made to lead in all areas of your whole life. Your life is like a pie that's made up of different pieces that create a complete circle and girl, you deserve to enjoy the whole pie. Hi, I'm Angie Tonini-Rogers, I was a Chief Nursing Officer (Nurse Leader), specialty in behavioral health, & turned Balance and Boundary Coach, and Intentional Life Coach. Look, girl friend, I know you are really good at what you do in your career (profession, business), but if you're ready to stop ignoring different pieces of your pie and reclaim your Whole Life, then you are in the right place. Girl, let's tap into your Whole Life God has for you and experience that God-size fulfilled life together. We're going to walk through some boundaries, leadership, mindset, and restoration in different areas of your life, that may need to change. We're going to take some bold, courageous actions to rediscover fulfillment in all areas of your life, regaining that balance you're longing for. You deserve to find hope, healing, and confidence in who you are, who you've been called to be, & while living out your Whole Life mission. It's going to be some tough work up in here, girl, but we're gonna walk this thing out together, uncovering some bold, courageous actions that we can take to experience, not just a good life, but your Whole Life. Are you ready to live your Whole life, Holy Made? Let's do it! Connect with me by email at angietoninirogers@gmail.com Join our FB community: https://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup

Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
EP 11 Salty Taste in Your Mouth? Enough with the Gossip, Girl! How to Become the Best Friend, Mom, Wife, Sister, Co-Worker You've always Wanted to Be Accountability Series Part 5
Hey girl, what's up. Welcome back to Wholly Made life. So I want to ask you, do you have a salty taste in your mouth? Have you ever heard that saying, Oh, she's just salty or that let this salty taste in my mouth. So physiologically, that means that your taste buds are becoming more sensitive to salt. So you have a higher salt taste in your mouth, or you have a higher concentration of salt in your saliva that can happen when you get dehydrated. So the first suggestion is to drink more water, water hydrates you okay. It's healthy for your body. It, it, um, flushes out toxins. So we're going to talk about this, not necessarily an actual salt, but I want you to think about this analogy as salt being gossip. Are you ready for today's episode? Let's do it.
- Take the quick "Wholly Made Life Assessment" here: Wholly Made Life Short Assessment
- Have a question or comment? Email Angie here: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
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In this episode is going to be short, but sweet. Well, maybe it won't feel that sweet. Maybe it'll feel a little spicy. It might make you even feel a little salty about what we're going to talk about. But I want to challenge you to think about gossip as the salt that makes you feel salty, or like you have too much salt on board. I think it's important to think about this in this analogy, because that's what happens. The more gossip you participate in, the more salty you start to feel about situations and people and the water, the stuff that's going to flush out. Those toxins are the actions we're going to talk about that we can take to take back our lives so that we don't have to feel so salty and so dehydrated. All right. And I apologize ahead of time because I am doing this for my laptop without my microphone and headset, because I'm sitting here watching my youngest Bryson outside, doing an episode of naked and afraid, except that he's closed, uh, he's into this whole camping thing where he's building a Fort and shelter and little places to build fires and all of these things.
Uh, I love that kid. He's so creative…anyway. So I'm out here at the kitchen table with my laptop and just getting this episode recorded for you guys short and spicy. Okay. Uh, we're going to talk about the final episode and the accountability series. And that is on gossip. I alluded to this a little bit in the episode related to taking offense, uh, and choosing how that's a choice, uh, to take offense or not to take offense. And even though it's hard, it brings up the feelings and things within us that, you know, when we hear something or a part of an interaction, or maybe we are listening to our pastor preach and we get that feeling of emotion that comes up. Now, some of us have worked a lot on this and we may be a little further along where we don't really get that feeling of offense, but others may not be so far along or haven't practiced that skill of recognizing when those feelings come up for you, that feel convicting.
For example, when somebody at work says something to me as a leader, if I've done or said something and somebody at work says something to me that I have, uh, upset them, hurt them. They didn't like the way I did something. And I feel a little bit emotional about that. I started to have some feelings, rise up, maybe I feel a little convicted or defensive. Those are all feelings that come up for us that we just need to stop and identify, what is this feeling? Where's it coming from? Why am I feeling it? And what can I do about it? And being intentional about identifying what those feelings are, so that then we can control our thought around those feelings. So that's what we talked about in the last episode. If you, haven't not in the last one in, um, episode nine, we talked about the taking offense or not taking offense.
So if you haven't listened to that, you can go back and listen to that just for some ideas on how you can take back that whole premise of choosing to take offense or not to take offense, being mindful of when you are feeling offended. Okay. So on to gossip. So we talked about when you are offended or you're feeling offended, and you have that conversation with someone else about the way you're feeling or about that interaction, that, that then involves someone else in that trap. Uh, we talked about becoming offended and then acting in that offense because right, as a trap, not only for you and that other person in that relationship, but once you share that information with someone else, you are luring them into the same trap that you are now in. And that other person in the relationship is in. And we talked about how, if I don't like something Susie said to me, and then I go and share that with Emily.
Now I've involved Emily in something that arose from an emotion that I had, some stuff that needs to be worked on within me, but because Emily is loyal to me or because we're better friends or because maybe she's had a bad interaction with Susie. Now, she is taking on that spirit of offense about Suzy. That damages not only my relationship was with Susie, but now I've entered information. Given information to Emily that has, has caused her to now hold something, hold a grudge against, or feel offended by something Susie did. And what Susie did her said had nothing to do with Emily. So you see how that creates that circle or that web of, um, this place where we're all trapped within this spirit of offense that leads into what gossip is. The Bible is very good, clear about our actions engagement in gossip in that we should not engage in it.
There are so many scriptures that point to the power of our tongue, the words that we say, the accountability and responsibility we'll have about the words that we say. So I just wanted to talk a little bit about how we've got to be intentional about what we're saying and who we're saying it to. It is so often that something is happened between two people. And then you come, you hear from one of those parties, let's call it this one, Jacob and Jesse. So Jesse comes to you and he is upset with something that Jacob has done or said, you're the friend in this situation, you're the person they're coming to. Oftentimes that turns into a, he said, she said, or in this case, Jacob and Jesse, and he said, he said, and so the person that's receiving this information has to make a choice at that point on how they're going to respond.
Are they going to play into what Jessie's saying without knowing all of the facts? Because a lot of times what gossip is, is just pieces of information that we, or may not, we may or may not have all the information about. So we're making judgment on something without having all the facts. This goes back into the episode, uh, assuming positive intent that we talked about, where we assume that we know all of the information about the situation and we make judgment against that situation. Or we come to a conclusion about a situation when the reality is, is we're really playing Mad-libs with our life. We are just inserting what we think happened based on what we know about Jesse and Jacob based about our own feelings based about our own past experiences. We're making something up without having all the facts. So that's what gossip turns into is just pieces of information that then we attach definition to emotion too.
And it spreads like a cancer. It is something that is damaging on all levels to all parties, to the receiver, to the sidelines, to the, up to the, down, to the all-around it is damaging to anybody that it impacts. So let me talk a little bit about some of the Bible verses that, talk about this, uh, Ephesians four 29 says, let no corrupting talk, come out of your mouths, but only such as good is good for building up as it fits the occasion that it may give grace to those who hear. So what I try to do, and none of us are perfect. You guys. So when we're talking about this being accountable, this is a daily walk. Sometimes it's a minute by minute walk. Okay? Every second we're faced with choices faced with information that we have to make decisions about. So it's an act of being intentional with the information that we have and the information we share.
So it's a daily walk, it's a daily practice. So I don't want anybody to feel like so that they can't do something different because every second, every step, every breath, every word is an opportunity to do something different and do something better. We're all striving to be better tomorrow than we are today. I want to be a better parent today than I was yesterday. Heck I want to be a better parent today right now in the moment. Then I was this morning, okay. We all do insane things that we wish we could have done differently. The point is we're being intentional and trying to pause and stop and think about the information that we've received and think about our own reactions and responses to those things. Before we respond and think about if I do or say this thing, what's the intention behind that? What is the outcome going to be?
What is, what could the outcome be? Especially when you're thinking about sharing information that you've heard from someone else or participating in a conversation that's about someone that's not there and present to be able to defend themselves or add in their facts about the situation. Proverbs six, 16, 19 says there are six things that the Lord hates seven that are an abomination to him, haughty eyes, aligned, tongue hands, that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run evil, a false witness who breathes out lies. And one who sows discord among brothers. Now let me ask you, in most cases, if you think about the last time you participated in a conversation that had to do with someone or something that wasn't there. Okay. Let's say you were sitting in a group in the person that was being talked about, was not present.
Think about that situation. Was that a situation that was sewing a blessing and favor towards the person that wasn't present? Or was it a situation or conversation that could have been sowing discord against that person that wasn't there? Was it a conversation that you would have had in the presence of that person? I tell that to my kids all the time, first of all, lead your life, be a man of character, um, or be, uh, be a man who has a character of integrity is what I meant. Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody's looking, doing the right thing, because it's the right thing, not the easy thing or not, because you're going to get in trouble. If you don't do it doing the right thing when nobody's looking, because it's the right thing with social media. And I just had this conversation with one of my kiddos recently with, okay, that post, when you look at that post, think about if your Mimi sees that, think about if your pastor see that, think about it.
I see that. Think about if your teacher saw that, is that posts something you are comfortable with that person seeing when you think about these people that are close to you, people that matter to you, if that's a post that you wouldn't, if that's a conversation that you wouldn't have in front of your Mimi or me or whoever, or if that's a picture that you would feel uncomfortable with your Mimi, seeing Mimi like grandma, then you shouldn't post it. So it's about being intentional about what it is we're putting out into the world. Not because we want to put on a show or present something that's not true, but because we want to try to be obedient with who it is we're called to be, and we're not called to destroy other people or present ourselves in a way which is not in alignment with who it is we are.
And we're called to be, when you think about conversations that you're part of or are having, and that the object of that conversation is not there. That the, the person with whom it's about is not there, then think about why are you having it? And number two, would you have that same conversation in the same tone, in the same context, if that person was present? And if you can say yes, then it's probably a conversation that's okay to have. Okay. Unless you're saying to me, Oh yeah, I haven't. Cause I don't care what she thinks about it. Well, that's not really in alignment with who it is we're called to be and how it is we're supposed to, supposed to love our brothers and sisters. Okay. Let's see. I want to just bring up a couple of other scriptures and you guys there's, there's like hundreds of scriptures.
I wish I knew how many times gossip was referenced in the Bible. Somebody listening probably knows that if you do send me a message and let me know that is Matthew 12, 26, I'm sorry, Matthew 1236. As I tell you, on the day of judgment, people will give an account for every careless word they speak. So that's it carelessness the lack of deliberate being deliberate, the lack of intention. So that's really it as simple as it gets being intentional about what we're talking about, about what we're reading, about, what we're, um, listening to about what we are watching about or what we're posting on social media, being intentional and trying to think about is this, what's the goal of that conversation? Is it to build somebody up? Because if it's not to build somebody up, then what's it for? Is it to destroy? Is it to get somebody on your side?
Is it because you are trying to make somebody look less than or worse than you, which that comes out of jealousy or envy? Is it simply because we don't know what else to talk about with someone maybe we're uncomfortable about making small talks. So we start talking about other people, is it to try to get the attention off of us because we're not comfortable or we don't want anyone to ask questions about us, maybe we're insisting. Sure. So what's the intention of what is you're talking about and you guys right now, I have, I always try to, Hey, very close attention to what I listen to, what I watch, what I see. Like I do not watch the news. I do not the only way I know, and this is, I want to be mindful of what's going on in the world around me. And so I do hear about those things, but I do not watch it and hear it myself.
I am intentional about when I hear about something, I am intentional about the sources that I go to, to look up what has happened. Okay. So it's not that I don't know what's going on in the world, but I am very intentional about just sitting and watching the news or reading the newspaper because guys that comes from people and it comes from perspectives of the people, writing it and producing it. So you just have to be mindful of that music. I could not tell you what the most popular song is out right now. I could not tell you because I don't listen to music. Like in my car, I listened to positive podcasts. Mostly of most of them are Christian based, or I listen to worship music. You guys want really good worship music, go check out Lisa. Brunson's a couple of songs she just released.
Uh, she's absolutely amazing. And I'm waiting on the violent worship EAP to release, but that's just the plug for some music that I love listening to comes out of my church. I mean, I'm telling y'all we have probably one of the most talented worship teams in the world. I'm just saying, and it's not, because I think there's something wrong with listening to secular music or anything like that. It's just that I try to make the best of the time that I have in the day. And while I'm driving, that's the only time that I'm not preoccupied with anything else other than driving. And it's a great time for me to listen to stuff that I am intentionally listened to, to something from. So it's not that listening and secular music is bad in of itself. And this episode, I'm not going to go into that anyway, but I just wanted to point that out.
It's not that I, some getting to choose that never listens to secular music. It's just that I try to use the time that I have. I try to bend time. Honestly, is something else that I do is that every time I'm in the bathroom while I'm by myself, I always pray out loud because I'm trying to bend the time that I have in my day to add stuff into my day. Okay. But anyway, the point is, is that I'm very intentional about what I listen to. I mean, my kids know when they're in my cart, like my kids sometimes choose not to ride with me and they'll ride with my husband and said, or Clayton because they know, um, they're about to hear a podcast. I mean, honestly, is it, am I a bad mom? If I'm okay with them riding with somebody else so that I can have that 15, 20, 30 minutes by myself, you guys, what I, one of the things I miss most about my commute to work is that 45 minute commute is that time I had by myself for 45 minutes just to be by myself.
Okay. No, that doesn't make me a bad mom just makes me real. Okay. So the other thing is that I can tell a difference with who they've been riding with. Uh, when I hear Bryson walking around singing, uh, worship music, it's because that's what he's been listening to. So there's something very real about what it is. We fill our time and space and mind with that impacts what it is we do and say, it's, there's something very real about that. This is why reading scripture every day, doing daily devotional, spending time with God being in your church, community, being surrounded with people with like-mindedness though. That's why that's so important. My pastor always says what you touch, touches you back. And that's a hundred percent true. It's not that anything's wrong with listening to music. Like I love the nineties. And if you asked me what my favorite music is, it's going to be something from the nineties.
But I am intentional about what I listen to because I, I want to make sure that what feels up my mind in the times where I'm not really being intentional about what it is I'm doing. I want the positive stuff to come up first. Okay. The worship music to come up first in my head versus California love from back in the nineties, uh, with Tupac and Dr. Dre y'all know what I'm talking about. Okay. Um, that's really kinda what I wanted to talk about related to gossip. It's just the best thing that you can do is number one, not participate. Number two, just be intentional. And if you're bold and courageous enough, speak up when you're in a car that doesn't have to do with someone that's not present, or that has to deal with someone that's not present. Okay. Back to my quick, uh, analogy at work.
When somebody comes to me with an issue, when Jessica comes to me with an issue with Josh, I equip Jesse to be able to understand, first of all, I point him in, on himself on what he can do differently, how he can go back and address the situation in a way that would hopefully encourage a positive outcome repair in a relationship. If that's been damaged, maybe help him see that there could be other perspectives or pieces of information that he may not have been privy to and help him think about the situation a little bit differently. And then if, if Jesse can't do that or is not comfortable doing that, then I pulled, uh, Jacob in and the three of us have a conversation where I allow them to have the conversation because one hun, well, 99.99% of the time there's been a miscommunication or a misunderstanding between the two of them.
And they, they thought one mint, something else. When they said a certain thing, they filled in the gaps. They mad-libbed that conversation between the two of them. They thought, you know, Jacob thought Jesse meant this. And Jesse thought, Jacob meant that. And the reality is, was it was just a miscommunication to begin with because, you know, they didn't fill in the gaps with truth. They didn't give each other enough grace or forgiveness, or they just didn't ask the other person what they meant by that. They didn't, they weren't honest with the way the interaction made them feel with each other. So that three way then helps each of them see, Oh, wow, there's a different perspective. Or, Oh, wow. I didn't mean that at all. That's not at all. What was happening? What was happening was this, this, and this had just happened. I was upset about this.
And so I was short with you when you asked me that question, it wasn't about you. So, so much can be resolved when you actually try to fill in the gaps with real factual information. And you actually go to that person and find out how they feel about it, or what happened with them back to your bull courageous action. When you're in a conversation where you hear people talking about someone who's not present, why not just say, Hey, has anybody talked to this person about this? You know, were you present? Did you actually see this interaction happen? Or is this hearsay? Do you have all the facts to the situation? You know, I think it would only be quote unquote fair to have her be present for a conversation or for you to go to her and ask her what she thinks about what happened.
Okay. It takes more time to do this, but it, so it's so much more beneficial to your relationships when you can do it. And when you're intentional about the reasons that you are having conversations, it's so much more beneficial to your relationship. And it's freeing to not have to be burdened by gossip because gossip is a burden on the person that speaks it on the person that it's about and on the ears that hear it, it's a burden. So let's be bold enough to not create more burdens for ourselves and for others. All right, sisters, all right, that's it for the accountability series for now, this was a hard series for me to talk about because as I stated, we're all walking this out every day and nobody has it all right, yet. Nobody is perfect with this yet. And nobody will ever be. It's always a day to day decision.
It's always with, you know, one step at a time, one day at a time, one word at a time, one thought at a time, one action at a time, just break it down to bite size pieces, break it down to one conversation and practice the skill of stopping and thinking about the outcome that could occur with whatever it is you're going to say next or with however it is, you're going to respond in this situation. Well, ladies, we are on to the next, the next few episodes are going to be about how to create your balanced, Holy made life. Okay. We're going to go back to talking about the pieces of our pipe. I'm really excited about it. And just as a reminder, I am taking clients right now. Uh, I have one hour sessions available right now. I have a couple of half-hour sessions available as well, but I can help you walk through this thing.
We can come up with actionable steps for you to either be more accountable in certain areas of your life, or just start to balance out those places that feel a little bit out of whack. Okay. So if you're interested in that or have questions about that or have any feedback at all, or maybe it's a testimony or a story about what we've talked about, then go ahead and drop that into the email. It's always in the show notes. You just click that email and send me a message. And I'm here for, I love hearing from you guys because I want to know what you want to talk. You want to hear me talk about, and I want you guys to be part of the conversation. All right. All right, sisters, I'll see you
On the next episode. Hey, before you go, I'd love for you to hop over to my podcast and
Give me a review. And you know, I'd love five stars. That's how we can share this thing with other women, just like us, your five stars and written review really helps me get the word out. You can also take a screenshot of this episode and tag me in your Insta and Facebook stories. And I'll give you a shout out right back, leaving a review and sharing this episode is the best way you can show me some luck. Thanks so much. And I'll see you in the next episode. And remember your smile is like a boomerang, throw one at somebody and it'll come right back.
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Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
EP 10 Are You in Prison? Being Stuck in Unforgiveness: How to get Unstuck from Past Hurts, Trauma, Daddy Drama: For the mama who has critical thoughts about herself Accountability Series Part 4
Have you ever been in prison? No. Are you sure? I would guess that you are either currently locked up right now. You've been locked up or you're about to be locked up. I have in this episode, the key to let yourself out of the prison, that you may not even know that you're locked up in. Let's get into it.
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Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup
Angie’s Coaching Menu: Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Interested in learning how to start your own podcast? Take a look at this course to learn everything you need to know! Ppu.atrogers.com
Hey, I have a question for you. Have you ever been in prison? No. Are you sure? I would guess that you are either currently locked up right now. You've been locked up or you're about to be locked up. I have in this episode, the key to let yourself out of the prison, that you may not even know that you're locked up in. Let's get into it.
Welcome back to another episode of Holy made life. And today we are going to continue in our accountability series. So, so far we've talked about the accountability ladder. We've talked about, uh, assuming positive intent and how to stop playing mad libs with your life. And we've also talked about to choose, to take offense or not to take offense, some pretty hard things. I know, but it's a start to how we can start to become responsible and accountable for the things that are happening in our lives and just take a bigger ownership of what our responsibility is in each of those things. So today, we're going to talk about how to break out of the prison, which is called unforgiveness. Are we ready? Okay, well, let's go. So the first thing that I want you to do is when I say the word unforgiveness, I want you to think about that brings up for you.
We can learn from it and we can move forward. We can choose right now today to no longer be the victim, to our own self hatred, our own self doubt, our own negative thoughts about ourselves, our own choice to not forgive ourselves instead of, yeah, we can choose to put that time and energy into what we know to be true. And that is that God sent his only son to die on the cross for us. And that we are forgiven. God's already forgiven us so we can do what we know. We go into prayer and we ask God to give us the strength, give us the revelations we need so that we can choose to forgive ourselves.
Before you go, I'd love for you to hop over to my podcast and give me a review. And you know, I love five stars. That's how we can share this thing with other women, just like us. You're five stars and written review really helps me get the word out. You can also take a screenshot of this episode and tag me in your Insta and Facebook stories. And I'll give you a shout out right back, leaving a review and sharing this episode is the best way you can show me some luck. Thanks so much. And I'll see you in the next episode. And remember your smile is like a boomerang, throw one at somebody and it'll come right back.
Take the quick "Wholly Made Life Assessment" here: Wholly Made Life Assessment
- Have a question or comment? Email Angie here: atoninirogers@gmail.com
- Connect with Angie on FB: CONNECT WITH ME!
- Connect with Angie in her Facebook Community: facebook_groups
- Interested in learning how to start your own podcast? Take a look at this course to learn everything you need to know! http://ppu.atrogers.com
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Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
EP 9 The Spirit of Offense: How Do I Choose to be Unoffended? How to Fight Spiritual Battles with your Words and Choices for the Busy Mom Wife Accountability Series Part 3
Instead of dealing with the feelings that whatever that action was that offended us caused or hit it's like striking a chord when we're offended. It's because some feelings in us have arisen from whatever was said or done to us or about us or around us. Now, some people just walk around being offended about anything and everything, and others of us become offended at certain things that people do and say, I want to challenge you to think about this as being a choice.
Hey friend, what's up. Welcome to episode nine. This is part three of the accountability series, and I know we're talking about hard stuff, but we're going to be better for it. After we do it, we are strong enough to do hard stuff. I know you are. So today we're talking about to be offended or not to be offended. That is the question we're going to deal with. All right, let's do it sisters.
Hey friends, we are back for part three of the accountability series. And today we are going to talk about the spirit of offense, not often, but offense taking offense. So in the last segment, we talked about assuming positive intent and making choices to believe what is the truth or believe what is helpful for us to have better outcomes in our relationships. If you haven't listened to that, go back to episode eight and look, and listen to accountability. Series part two, where we talked about how to assume positive intent. We talked a lot about making a choice. And what I was alluding to in that episode is this whole idea of making a choice to be offended or not to be offended. I think it's important to realize that when you talk about being offended, that is a choice. Whether we like that or not friends to be offended is a choice that we make when we choose to be offended about something.
Instead of dealing with the feelings that whatever that action was that offended us caused or hit it's like striking a chord when we're offended. It's because some feelings in us have arisen from whatever was said or done to us or about us or around us. Now, some people just walk around being offended about anything and everything, and others of us become offended at certain things that people do and say, I want to challenge you to think about this as being a choice. When you have those feelings or thoughts of being offended, I want you to step back and I want you to think about, okay, why am I choosing to be offended about this? And what's the underlying feeling that's causing this to rise up. What about this interaction? What was said, how I feel is making me feel this way. Ultimate thing offense is that it serves only to conquer and divide.
It serves to break up unity because when we feel offended, we do act say things that we may not otherwise say, because we feel almost entirely titled because of the offense that we're feeling from that person, from what they did or said, when we respond that way, there's no other result that can come from that, except for yeah. Or division. We've had a lot of that this past season in 2020, there were a lot of words and actions that were taken that a lot of them people were offended by whatever it is. We want to talk about. Those things are events, information that we can use to become offended. And I think the challenge is to really assess when you have these feelings, what cord is being hit, what is pulling on your heartstrings? That's making you have this visceral reaction, this emotional reaction that then makes you want to guard yourself against what it is you're feeling.
And Proverbs 10, 12. It says hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. So my whole stance throughout all of this, regardless of my position. And like I said, in the intro, I will not talk about politics, but I think it's important to, to understand that if we're choosing to walk in love and that's one of my main things, lead with love, walk in love, just love people enough, love them, hard, love them enough. So they know their worth and they know they're important and they know their significance and they know the impact they're supposed to have in this world. If we're choosing to walk in love, it's really difficult to choose to also be offended in Romans 16, 17, 18. It says, I appeal to you brothers to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you've been taught, avoid them for such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites.
That's their flesh. And by smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the hearts of the naive. So when someone's not walking completely with an understanding that it's our responsibility to walk in love and love others, no matter what side of the fence they're on. When our task is to love. If we don't understand that or we haven't taken that stance, then it becomes easier for us to become and then choose to stay offended. So one of the first things I do when I, when that creeps up in me is I assess what is it about what was just said? That hit me so hard that I feel like I'm offended, or I need to be offended. And then I deal with the emotion of that. Something within me, an experience I have had something that's happened. I deal with me and what's inside of me. And I turned to prayer and I focus my efforts on that.
Versus the other person it's like bait in a trap, choosing to become offended, puts us in a trap because it ruins the ability to see that person in love. And then when you're responding in a way that's not in love, your relationship is damaged. So there's nothing really good that can come out of being offended. It puts gaps up between me and the other person. It puts bars up between us. It almost keeps us in our own little prisons and isn't it like the enemy to want to keep us separated and keep us isolated. I mean, this whole season of 2020 has been about division and separation and isolation. When there's an opportunity for us to stop the line and make a different choice that would not lead to our own isolation from others. Then my challenges for myself and everyone else to choose the thing.
That's not going to keep us isolated the thing that's going to create community instead of destroy it. And guys, this is about a mindset shift. This isn't about this easy, and it's not about it being something that we're not going to struggle with. It's just about shifting our mindset to view offense as a choice instead of a passive thing. The other thing I want to talk about is when you feel offended by something that was said or something that was done, I would challenge you to really go to God about that instead of another person. And the reason I say that is because if offense is a trap to keep me divided from others or, or destroy the unity that I have in relationship with others, then adding another person to that mix can also damage that other person. Here's an example. This is the whole reason why I would never have a conversation about something I am really upset about with my husband, something my husband said or did with someone else.
Because once I do that, I can't take that back. And so when I have forgiven him and I have, you know, moved on that person that heard that information doesn't have the same stake or benefit in forgiving him as easily as I would, doesn't have the same stake in that relationship. So now not only have, if I choose to be offended and I strife in our relationship. Now I have caused that Stripe, that the vision with someone else against him, when you're, when you're talking about something, that's happened with someone else, be really careful about choosing to share that with somebody else. If that person is loyal to you, then you are now causing division in a relationship that really has nothing to do with you. But now it's about you. So now, if I go tell, tell Susie what happened with Emily and Susie is my friend and is loyal to me.
She then has to make a choice to be offended with me, which causes division between her and Emily. And that may not have been hurt her strife to carry in the first place. So your offense spreads beyond just you and your heart and that relationship that you're dealing with, the person that so-called offended you that can spread beyond like tentacles and it can grab a hold of somebody else and put somebody else in a space where now they're feeling offended and they're in division. And they're no longer walking in the primary focus of love for that person. And I don't feel like I ever want to be in a place where I have caused someone else to be divided in relationship with someone else, just because I had some emotions that I needed to deal with on my own. So that leads into with the next episode will be about, which is about gossip or slander.
So I know these are things that are hard to hear and hard to talk about because again, my challenge to you and myself is always going to be to turn it inward, to look at yourself, what can you do differently to grow through this versus act out in a way that will damage relationships with other people or cause people to choose to walk out of whatever their calling is. If, if, if I involve Sally and now she's fallen out of relationship with Emily, well, what if that was a relationship that had some worse and some value in the kingdom? Now my action has caused Sally and Emily to no longer be friends when it really had nothing to do with either one of them, it's almost like poison sisters. Are we still friends?
I know it's hard stuff, but I think in order for us to grow and be the women that we are being called to be, we have to be able to talk about this hard stuff. And we have to be able to set the boundaries with ourselves, with our own flesh so that we don't fall into these traps. That cause damage to our relationships with other people in our lives, because that's the last thing that any of us want to do. Finally, James one 19 says, understand this, my beloved brethren, let every man be quick to hear a ready listener, slow to speak and slow to take offense and to get angry. So I'll leave you with that. Let's be slow to take offense. Let's take that pause. When we feel offended and figure out what is that emotion that's creeping up for us and what is it for?
Why is it there? What do I need to do with that? What do I need to reflect upon? What do I need to pray about and ask God to reveal to me what it is that's causing these feelings, because then I'm working on myself and I'm not focusing that outward expecting someone else to change. When I have no control over that person in the first place, that's an illusion to think that we have control to change anybody else in this world. The only control we have is over our own self, our own selves. So I want to end in prayer. God, I thank you today for my sisters, for my friends. I thank you for this truth and this revelation that we have the power and the control to reflect upon our own feelings and emotions that come up in interactions, in relationships and things that happen in our lives. God revealed to us when we are taking on the spirit of offense, instead of walking in love, reveal those things to us, help give us rest and pause when we experienced those things so that we can refrain from damaging the relationships that you have placed us in, in Jesus name. Amen. I'll see him the next episode.
Hey, before you go, I'd love for you to hop over to my podcast and give me a review. And you know, I love five stars. That's how we can share this thing with other women, just like us. You're five stars and written review really helps me get the word out. You can also take a screenshot of this episode and tag me in your Insta and Facebook stories. And I'll give you a shout out right back, leaving a review and sharing this episode is the best way you can show me some love. Thanks so much. And I'll see you in the next episode. And remember your smile is like a boomerang, throw one at somebody and it'll come right back.
- Take the quick "Wholly Made Life Assessment" here: com
- Have a question or comment? Email Angie here: atoninirogers@gmail.com
- Connect with Angie on FB: toninirogers_facebook
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Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
EP 8- Making Assumptions: How to Avoid the Trap, Speak Life, Live Truth Accountability Series Part 2. Stop Playing Mad libs with your life. Get that voice out of your own head
We're going to talk today about assuming and particularly we're going to talk about assuming positive intent. Okay. So you know what the word means. Okay. I've been alluding to it. It makes an a** out of U and ME to assume. It makes a donkey out of you and me the A S S and then the U and then the M E.
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Hey ladies, welcome to part two of the accountability series. And this one is on the word assume now, you know what that word means, right? Well, if you don't take a listen
All right. Let's jump right into it. We're going to talk today about assuming and particularly we're going to talk about assuming positive intent. Okay. So you know what the word means. Okay. I've been alluding to it. It makes an a** out of U and ME to assume, okay. It makes a donkey out of you and me the A S S and then the U and then the M E. Okay.
So in general, it's a great idea, not to assume, but here's a situation in which you want to assume something. We're going to talk today about the technique that you can use in any situation at any point in time, that will help you move on and see things in a way that will be most beneficial to the situation to that person and to you and to the outcomes that you're looking for. All right.
So assuming positive intent, this is the belief that everyone is always doing the best they can given their current resources, current circumstances, current level of education, current knowledge set, current thinking in any given situation. Okay? So when the, what it means to assume positive intent is that we are assuming that anything that happens in an interaction between you and another person, you're going to assume that that person meant positive intent. You're going to assume that that person had positive, positive intent for that situation. We're going to give the benefit of the doubt. We're going to listen rather than judge, when we're going to assume that they intended well versus judging a particular action. So assuming positive intent, it is leads to a better result. It shows respect for those. We are with those we're interacting with people that we're serving. It shows respect to our kids.
It shows respect to her husband. If everything my husband does and says, I am assuming that he has positive intent for that situation conversation. Then my perspective on that changes, okay. My actions in response to that situation changes. So why do we want to do this? What is the benefit of this? Well, I'm going to tell you. Okay. All right.
So let's, first of all, think about this scenario. Let's say you walk up into the break room or into an office or into the church and you see two people whispering. And when you approach, they stop Whispering. So At that point, you've got information about a situation. You've seen two people that, you know, whispering, and when you walk up, they stop Whispering. So, You have a choice at that point to manage your thoughts about that situation. Okay. Here, here is what you could do
Say that you start thinking about, Oh my gosh, what were they just whispering about? Like, what were they talking about? Why did they stop talking? When I came up, were they talking about me? I'm
I can't believe them. They're horrible. We're in church for the love of God. I can't believe they're sitting here talking about me. Okay. How many times have you gone down that rabbit hole? How many times have you approached a situation in a break room where you see two people whispering about each other or whispering to each other, and then when you walk in, they stop or maybe they're laughing and you start thinking, Oh my Gosh, are they laughing at me? Like, what are they talking about? Do I have something on my face? Is my dress up my, okay, y'all ladies. How many of this has happened? Where you come out of the bathroom? And you're a little sweater that you had on is like tucked into your pants. Okay. Or toilet paper hanging out of your back. Do you start to think those kinds of things when people are, when you're faced with this situation? So think about this.
So how could those thoughts they're talking about me? I can't believe them. They're horrible. How could they be talking and gossiping about people in church? How does that affect or impact your current interactions with those two people or impact the future interactions you might have with those two people? How does the, how do those thoughts impact your words and your actions and your thoughts about those two people or about that?
Think about it.
Okay. What about if, instead of thinking all those things we just talked about, what about if, instead you start to say to yourself, well, they must've been talking about something private, or I know she mentioned having something going on at home with her husband or her or
Her daughter, or, you know,
What, if you just thought, well, they weren't talking about me. How do those thoughts change the way that you interpret or perceive that interaction? How did those thoughts change your current response or your future thoughts about those people or that interaction in the future? How, how does, how does the difference of those thoughts? So that's the difference between assuming positive
Intent or Allowing the negative thoughts in your mind? The way that you define the situation, whether it's based in truth or not, whether you define that in those negative thoughts, how that can impact your relationships in a very negative way. So when you're approached with something like this, you have the choice to manage your thoughts. Okay? Number one, manage your thoughts. If you start thinking all of these negative things. Oh, well, she's been, always been talking about me for a couple of weeks. She's she's been trying to get her against me. I mean, guys, those are thoughts that are damaging and they may not be true on top of it. So not only are you responding to a situation that will define the way in which you perceive or define that story of what's happening, which then Impacts your
Future or current behaviors, you might be doing all of that. And it's all false. It's all made up. You don't
Know, so You can manage your thoughts.
The other thing is that you can say something to help define the story with truth from the other people that are involved. So let's think about this situation. You walk up on somebody they're whispering. They stopped talking when you came up. So you can say something, you can say, Hey guys, what's up. Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you. Was it where you're all talking about something private? Do you need a minute to finish?
How simple is that?
Giving them the benefit of the doubt that they were just talking about something private that they can't
Share with you, or don't need to share it with you. You can ask a direct question. That's another thing you can do. You can ask,
Hey, where are you guys talking about me? If that's what you truly think
Is happening. Now, the
Key to this asking these questions are that once they give you the answer, you have to make the choice to believe what they say in response as the truth. You can't ask the question and then continue to have that, those thoughts that are telling you what The real reality Is, right? Cause you're still making up that story. So let's say, they say, Oh no, we were, we were, you were good. You know, you can join us. We were just talking about Tacos on Thursday night. Okay? At that point you have
Think the answer and you have a choice to believe that answer.
You have a choice At that point. So believe that answer to accept something that has been shown to you.
You have the, you have the choice now to accept that, to have the faith, that, that thing is true. You have the choice now under
Understand that whatever you choose to believe about that interaction will play a significant role in how you perceive every interaction from that point forward. So let's say, they say, Oh no, we were talking about, you know, tacos on Thursday night. If you choose to believe that that's true. It's going to be really hard for you to have hard feelings and thoughts about them. That will then turn into interactions, uh, that create, uh, uh, bad or uncomfortable situation because who doesn't react well to taco Thursdays. Okay. Unless you start to get into, why didn't you invite me to taco Thursday? I left taco Tuesday taco Thursday, right? Okay. But you see what I'm saying? Like at that point when
You do, if you choose
Not to just manage your own thoughts and instead take an action and ask them something, ask them a direct question. Okay. Or say something, then you then have another choice to believe what it is. They said you can't then in your head say, Oh no, they weren't talking about talking Tuesday. They're lying to me because then you're still playing that story. And that's still going to impact your future interactions from that point forward. Okay. So you have a choice when you are dealing with anyone in any interaction. And if you choose to always assume positive intent with what it is they're doing and saying, if you believe truly that people are always acting in a way that is to the best of their ability in that given situation, then it makes it a lot easier for you to have more grace for people to have forgiveness for people to allow a little bit of mercy when interactions don't go, as they could have or would have, or should have.
Okay. So even let's say this, let's see.
So that you're in that situation and you overhear them and maybe you're putting two and two together and you feel like they were talking about something they shouldn't have been talking about. Let's just say, that's the case. You still have a choice to assume positive intent because regardless of their truth, whatever they were doing, your thoughts Controls how it Is. You respond and behave And act. Nothing
Happens in behavior or actions that doesn't come first from a thought in your head Okay?
Our actions, our responses, our behaviors come from thoughts. So if we make a commitment to practice this skill of always assuming positive intent, then it becomes a very, very difficult For us to take offense, which leads into a Whole bunch of other stuff. That's actually a next episode in this accountability,
The series is to take offense or not to take offense
Or not take offense. That is the question, Right?
So let's see,Just say, cause I hear some of you saying, well, what if they, if they want to, if they weren't being negative, what if they weren't didn't have the best intent at heart?
Here's what I say to that. Who cares? Who cares? Is it
Something that's important enough to address? If it is then say something and ask questions and then from there, their responses you'll have to make a choice on whether or not you're satisfied with those answers or not. And just be aware that if you choose to believe it, and it's, they're saying no night, w we didn't mean anything by it. No, we, I didn't mean to offend you, whatever it is, whatever the answer is, if you can choose to believe that truth, and then your actions can be based off of that, or you can choose to believe that they were lying, or they were not telling the truth, or they were trying to be ugly. Just know that whatever it is, you choose to believe, whatever it is that you define that story as that will impact your next interaction and the next interaction and the next interaction, your thought life around what happens in every single interaction will define how you behave in the next or how you perceive in the next
Interaction. So let's say,
So back to that, let's say that, you know, you let's say that you really, in your heart feel like somebody doing something with mal-intent doing something that they weren't in there. They weren't a SU you know, we're, we're not going to assume a positive intent because we know that they weren't, here's my challenge to you. Even if that's the case, unless we're talking about they're hurting someone or it's unsafe, then you say something, then you address it, then you advocate, okay, you do those things. But if it's something that you can just in your mind, in your thoughts, say, I'm assuming that he didn't mean it that way. I'm assuming that she didn't mean it that way. That's still impacts the way that you can love on that person next time, or receive that person next time. I'm going to give you an example. I do this all the time, all the time with my children and my husband, those that we're closest to, we know that unconditional love is there.
So sometimes our behaviors and actions are a little bit more laxed, not so polished. Okay. Sometimes we lash out at the people that we love most because we know that they're going to be there. Okay. Not saying that it's right. Or am I the only one? Do I see anybody else of my girls raising their hand that they do this too? Because I do this too. But what I try to do is when an interaction has occurred, that did not go well, I, in my mind will say, well, he just doesn't have the skill set that he needs to communicate in that way, in the way that I would have received that. Well, now that may or may not be true. But if that helps me be a little bit more forgiving or give him a little bit more grace, then that's what I'm going to tell myself, because I still have to respond in a way that's loving.
That's forgiving. That's graceful. Okay. I still have to, except those times where I maybe didn't assume positive intent. And so I reacted to something that he didn't intend on the flip side. How many of you guys have ever been in an interaction where somebody became offended with something you did or said, and that was not at all what you intended to do. I mean, I, as a leader and forever saying to people, I did not intend to make you feel that way. If I ever make you feel a certain way, that's not good. I want you to tell me because I promise you, I never, in any interaction intend to make you feel bad or guilty or shameful or less than that's never my heart's intent. So a step beyond assuming positive intent is to explain or preface yourself with people to let them know.
Listen, I would never intend to make you feel any of those things, because that's not what my heart is for you or for people, for anyone. I would never want anyone to think. I would intentionally hurt them with my words or actions. Now, do I hurt people with my words and action? Yeah, we all do. But imagine if we all walked around here, assuming positive intent with everyone that we came in contact with, if we were all walking around, assuming positive intent of others, then, and we defined our interactions. That way we created the stories in our head to be in alignment with, Oh, he's just doing the best he can with what he's got. She's just doing the best she can with everything she's got going on. She didn't intend that for me in that way. She didn't mean for me to feel that way.
Isn't it true that we could just choose to believe that and move on instead of choosing to take offense. So I challenge you today to think about the last poor interaction you had with someone and think about what your thoughts were in that situation and what you could do to change those thoughts in your head, so that it made you feel a different way and maybe act or respond in a different way. That's my challenge to you. And today, when you're having your interactions with your husband, your friends, your coworkers, your boss, I want you to think about if you have that spirit of offense or that, that thought life that starts to get into that negative space, where it starts to direct your feelings towards someone or something. And then you think about actions or words you could take that may or may not create that positive interactions.
I challenge you to stop and think about this and twisted around to think about assuming positive intent for that person and what that person intended was to be a positive outcome. And what would you do if that was the case? All right, ladies, that's it on assuming positive and attend. The next episode in this series will be about offense. This one is going to be a hard one, but it's relative to what we need to be thinking about in order to become our best serve self, to serve others in a way that we're intended to serve. And it always starts with us again, that accountability too, if I did, or felt or thought something different, would that change the nature of this relationship and most of the time it's yes. Okay. One clarification ladies, I am not talking about situations in which you know, all of the facts where someone is hurting someone else, making an unsafe situation for someone bullying, abusing, taking advantage of if you are.
I'm talking about situations in this episode about conversations, interactions that we don't have. All the details to that we are using assumption to create. They get we're playing mad libs with our assumptions. You know what that game mad libs, where you had to fill in a noun here, a verb here, an adjective here, you remember that game where at the end of the story, you could have had a million different stories because you're adding in different words without having all of the facts, you don't have the story in front of you, right? You're just giving nouns for adjectives, pronouns, whatever. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about situations in which you don't have all the facts and you're making assumptions to fill in the gaps of the story, which then creates that thoughts life that then creates your feelings and your actions and your words in response to those things.
Okay? If someone is in a harmful situation, then you do what you do. You advocate you step in, you intervene. You say something, but this is for situations where you are already making assumptions about the situation. So what I'm challenging you to do is make assumptions that they are doing the best they can under the circumstances that they're in assume positive intent in those situations where you don't have all the facts. Okay. Makes sense. Good. Okay. Next episode is going to be about to take offense or not take offense. That is the question we're going to deal with. We're also going to deal with another episode in this series on forgiveness. And then finally we are going to deal with gossip. Now, I don't know if there'll be in that order, but I think it's important because all of this stuff of being accountable, assuming positive intent, gossip, taking offense and forgiveness, all those things are things that really hold us back as powerful women. And I'm not about that anymore. I'm not about to be held back because I'm standing in my own way, SIS. And I don't want you to do that either. So I will see you on the inside. So come ready, come open, come willing, and let's do it.
Hey! before you go, I'd love for you to hop over to my podcast and give me a review. And you know, I love five stars.
That's how we can share this thing with other women, just like us. You're five stars and written review really helps me get the word out. You can also take a screenshot of this episode and tag me in your Insta and Facebook stories. And I'll give you a shout out right back, leaving a review and sharing this episode is the best way you can show me some left. Thanks so much. And I'll see you in the next episode. And remember your smile is like a boomerang, throw one at somebody and it'll come right back.
- Take the quick "Wholly Made Life Assessment" here: Wholly Made Life Short Assessment (jotform.com)
- Connect with Angie on FB: https://www.facebook.com/angie.toninirogers
- Connect with Angie in her Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/467886717505868
- Interested in learning how to start your own podcast? Take a look at this course to learn everything you need to know! http://ppu.atrogers.com
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Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
EP 7- How to Become More Accountable in your every day life- Accountability Series Part 1 for Success Driven Women- Is being Personally Responsible for my own behaviors actually biblically based?
Hey, what's up. It's Angie. And I'm back to talk with you about another episode. Today's episode is going to be on accountability and it's probably not exactly what you think. So grab your cup of coffee or ice water or whatever it is you got going on, and let's dive in and see what it's all about.
Hey, what's up everybody. It's your girl, Angie and I am back today to talk about a series that I am going to be dropping. That's called the accountability series. Now, girlfriend, I want to remind you that in my intro and in episode one, where I gave you my introduction, we talked about how we're going to have to talk about some hard things. Well, it may feel like some of these topics are going to be one of those or a few of those hard things, but in order to become who that is or supposed to be, we got to deal with the hard thing sometimes. And the best way to become who it is you're intended to be is to work on more awareness and more things on yourself so that you can be better for the people around you. So part of that mindset that we're going to talk about is related to accountability. So, first I want to start off this series. One of, uh, accountability. I want to talk about the definition of accountability and this comes from dictionary and it says it's taking or being assigned responsibility for something you have done or something you are supposed to do. Okay. So it's about taking that responsibility
So when you think about someone who is accountable, you might think about someone who takes responsibility, who doesn't make excuses for themselves. They show up and they show up on time. They collaborate with others. They expect the same work ethic from others. They expect results from others. So when I first think about accountability, when I asked this actually in a training one time with a group of leaders, a lot of the answers were about others. So, you know, w when I asked, what does accountability mean to you? They said things like, well, it's when you hold people accountable to do what it is you've asked them to do, or when we meet the outcomes that we have set out to meet, or when we hold somebody accountable to whether or not they are following the attendance time and attendance policy. Okay. And then one very Intune, smart, young lady said being accountable is being true to what it is I've said I'm going to do. I'm accountable to my words and my actions. I show up, when I say, I'm going to show up, I follow up, When I say I'm going to follow up. So she saw the word accountability first in herself, versus holding other people accountable.
So that's the first thing we're going to talk about is that when you think of accountability, first, you've got to start with you being accountable for who it is that you say you are, who it is, what it is you say you're going to do. So we look inward first, and then we think about, external. So always start with yourself.
So I'm going to talk about something called the accountability ladder. And I'm not sure where this came from; I've learned about this in all of my places of work in the past 20 years, but maybe Senn Delaney Consulting group made this up? I've seen an article in Forbes magazine about it, well, it's everywhere, but you can find this topic and strategy all over the internet, so I'm not sure who actually first claims this idea- but just wanted to throw out a few people who may have, and give them credit.
So think about a ladder or think about a mountain and that you're climbing on one side and you start at the bottom and go to the top, or think about an elevator where you start at the bottom and you go to the top.
Okay. So we're going to start at the bottom. So if we're on this ladder and the bottom rung of the ladder is that you are in denial, Or that you do not have an awareness. Then that is the bottom of the ladder or the bottom of the mountain or the bottom of the elevator. The next level is going to be where you are blaming other people. The next is that when you are making excuses for what has happened or the outcomes, or why something didn't go as planned, the next level, which is more towards the middle level, we'll think about is the wait and hope level. It's where you are not really blaming or making excuses anymore, but you're not really doing anything about it to make it better. The next level up from weighting hope is going to be that you are in your acknowledging.
You are acknowledging the reality of what the outcome was or acknowledging the reality of who you're looking at in the mirror. And you're you have stepped into, okay. I acknowledge where I am with this right now. I acknowledge my outcome. I acknowledge, um, the expectation. So you're acknowledging what's happening then above. That is where you own it. Okay? Uh, you actually own, not only are you acknowledging the reality, but you're owning the outcomes from what it is you have done, or Zed, or the project that you taken on, you're owning the outcomes. Then you're at the next step. You are finding solutions. So you've owned it. And now you are going to do something about it, to find a solution, to get to a place that's better than you are tonight, today. And then the top round, the top of the mountain, the top level in the elevator, or the top level of that ladder is when you get on with it, you've done something about it. You've found solutions. And now you're just getting out on with it.
So when you think about these, these rungs of this ladder, or these levels on the elevator, you think about the bottom half where you were unaware in denial, then you were blaming others and excuses. You are not able to make any changes there when you were unaware. You don't even know there's a problem to begin with. Okay? When you're in denial, you're denying that there's a problem and denying your responsibility in it. And then when you're making excuses and blaming others, that puts the onus or the responsibility on other people, and it doesn't allow for you to be part of any solution or make any changes. Okay? So that those bottom realms, the unawareness or denial, the blaming others, and the excuses are all in that powerless or, or where nothing changes when you get to the middle wrong that wait and hope.
That's not doing anything to harm the situation, but it's certainly not doing anything to make it better. So you're just waiting and hoping that somebody else does something you're waiting and hoping that it gets better without any action. Okay. You're just waiting. You're just hoping that something, but you're not taking any responsibility to do anything at that point. You're not really taking any action. So then let's talk about where we get into the place where we make things happen. We are powerful at our actions and our words become powerful in changing the situation. This is that acknowledging reality. You're owning it. You're finding solutions and you're getting on with it. You're making it happen. Okay. So when you are in on that top part of that ladder, or in that top level of that elevator, you are, when you start to acknowledge reality and own it, you become responsible for those results.
And therefore you do and say things differently to get a different result. When you're finding solutions, you're actively doing what needs to be done, to find the solution to the problem, to create, or make a change. You are creating something at that point. And then when you're getting on with it, okay, you had a bad outcome. Here's the solution. Let's get at it again. Okay. You're at the top of that level. So that's the accountability level. Now, why is that important? Number one, because it's biblically sound that we are created to be accountable. I want to give you a couple of references that talk about why we need to each individually be accountable. And once we're there, we can then move into group accountability or looking to hold other people accountable, or maybe it's simultaneous, but you first have to recognize your own need to be accountable before you can hold someone else accountable.
Matthew 7:3-5 says this. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye, or how can you say to your brother, let me take that speck out of your eye. When there's a log in your own eye, you hypocrite first, take the log out of your own eye. And then you will see clearly enough to take the speck out of your brother's eye. So owning your own specs, owning your own, um, places that you need to create, change that you need to acknowledge that reality. And you need to start finding solutions and then getting on with it, taking that action, creating that change, owning that first, then allows you to have the ability to help others do the same.
Here's another scripture I tell this is Matthew 12: 36-37.
I tell you on the day of judgment, people will give an account for every careless word they speak for, by your own words, you will be justified. And by your own words, you will be condemned, which just reminds us that we're accountable for what we do and what we say. Our words are important. I talked about that in the bonus episode related to sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. That's a lie words will hurt you where we are accountable for what we do and say there's power of life and death in our tongue. That means that our words are important. And then finally this moves into how accountability stretches beyond us Ecclesiastes four, nine through 12 two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow, but woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone?
And though a man might prevail against one who is alone two, well, withstand him a threefold cord is not quickly broken. So then that talks about how we are in community with each other. And so in order for us to be impactful in order for us to make a difference, we individually have to be accountable. And then we together have to hold each other accountable and together as a community be accountable. So that's my message on the word accountable today and having accountability. So I told Joe's going to be a little bit hard to hear, but as I'm reminded of a train on a train track, all of us need feedback in order to get to our destination, to get, to become who we are. And by the way, the word of God in the Bible is great feedback for us. So anytime that we need feedback, we should open up that book.
James is a great book, uh, that is very convicting and sometimes piercing, but it holds us accountable to who we are and who we are, who we are becoming the, Oh, here's where I was going with this. So feedback, it reminds me of a train on a track. The track is there to help give the train feedback in order for the train to get to the destination. The train can not make it to the destination without the track there, the track, when it, every time it bumps that track, the track gives it feedback to say, Whoa, too far to the left. Whoa, too far to the left, get back on track, get back straight, right? And then the train gets to the destination with the track leading the way, think about when these things are hard for us to hear, think about it as feedback.
You know what I love you enough to give you the feedback. I love myself enough to hear and receive feedback. That's hard to hear. So then I can reflect upon it and prey upon it and make changes where changes are due so that I can be a better person today than I was yesterday, so that I can be better for my kids, better for my spouse, better at church, better at work. The only way that we really can control our outcomes or the only way that we can really impact our outcomes, the most is to be open to the feedback that has to do with ourselves. Search our own hearts, search our own minds, reflect on our own words and actions that we have in each situation, really be open to making the changes we need to make to be a better. You be a better mama, be a better wife, be a better leader at work.
Okay. We can spend a lot of time on trying to correct or hold others accountable. But if we are not accountable first to ourselves, to who we are to the values, the morals, the ethics, the rules, okay. The rules that we've placed for other people, if we're not accountable to those things first, then we're just really running our wheels, trying to keep other people accountable. We have to be accountable first before we can hold anybody else accountable. What I want you to do is just think about where are you in any given situation on that accountability ladder. Think about if you're on the bottom edges of that ladder, or if you're at the top, if you're in that getting on with it, finding solutions, then you're probably in a great place. If you are down below where you are, either unaware or in denial or blaming others or making excuses, then you might want to look inward a little bit and see what you can do to get yourself higher on that ladder, because you want to at least be in the weight and hope wrong, right?
You want to at least be standing on the wait and hope because at least then you're not doing anything to make anything worse, but you're not doing anything to make it better. Now I would challenge you to step up on that next rung, which is acknowledge the reality. Start to own it, find solutions and then get on with it. Okay. I would challenge you to be above that. Wait and hope. Okay. All right, sister. So next step in this series is going to be about assumptions and you know what they say about the word assume? Do I have to say it all right? I think you know what it is. All right. We're going to talk about assumptions and we're going to talk about offense. Okay. Taking offense. All right, ladies. So let's just pray us out on that. God, I want to thank you today for opening our eyes, to see open our ears, to hear all those things that you need for us to strengthen our spirit, to strengthen our person for all of those people that you've put into our life.
God, let us see in our hearts where it is. We need to change reveal those things to us so that we can pray on it, reflect upon it and start to make those small changes, to be more accountable to who it is you're calling us to be. I thank you God, for the Holy spirit to take over when we are looking at ourselves so that we can see more of you and less of ourselves just reveal all of those places, God, in our heart that we need to take more action to be more like you in Jesus' Holy name. Amen.
Hey, before you go, I'd love for you to hop over to my podcast and give me a review. And you know, I'd love five stars. That's how we can share this thing with other women, just like us. You're five stars and written review really helps me get the word out. You can also take a screenshot of this episode and tag me in your Insta and Facebook stories. And I'll give you a shout out right back, leaving a review and sharing this episode is the best way you can show me some luck. Thanks so much. And I'll see him the next episode. And remember your smile is like a boomerang, throw one at somebody and it'll come right back.
- Take the quick "Wholly Made Life Assessment" here: Wholly Made Life Short Assessment (jotform.com)
- Connect with Angie on FB: https://www.facebook.com/angie.toninirogers
- Connect with Angie in her Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/467886717505868
- Interested in learning how to start your own podcast? Take a look at this course to learn everything you need to know! http://ppu.atrogers.com
*some of the above links may be affiliate links, meaning I make a small commission on the sale at no extra cost to you*

Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Ep 6- How to Get Your Joy Back with Dr. Candice Johnson- Restoring Happiness for the Overwhelmed Working Mom- How to Spark Joy
Today, I speak with Dr. Candice Johnson, interview with my girlfriend, chat style, Ms. JOY herself, in the flesh.
Connect with Angie via email: atoninirogers@gmail.com
Connect on our Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/467886717505868
PS: Friends, Ever though about podcasting? Check out this course I took to learn everything I know so far about podcasting:
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Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
EP 5- You are the Resolution- How to Make a Difference with Small Actions- Interview with Gena Bohl- Stopping Child Trafficking How You Can Help Even when You are Super Busy Mama
In this episode, Gena Bohl has joined the show to share how to make a HUGE impact with Small actions. Gena is a mom of 4 and been married for 23 years. She talks about how small actions can make a huge difference is HUGE issues in our communities. She is an advocate of Stopping Child trafficking and is making a huge impact. They also have their own production company called TG productions. She also works for an organization called The Women’s Center. She’s underneath a crisis and victim services.
The Impact
[3:59] My background is in anti-trafficking.
[5:49] A friend of ours had started an anti-trafficking organization and said, do you think you would want to do public awareness? Now I thought public awareness was public speaking which yes, I will do that. I could talk to the media, I could do social media stuff, I can handle all of that.
[6:27] Within 24 hours, I found myself sitting on the task force for anti-trafficking, not something that I had signed up for and I felt like I was in the middle of the ocean with no life raft.
[7:54] It’s so funny to look now and see this far into how even that knowledge of what I was learning about that for all the anti-trafficking and everything that I was doing there has come to play forward now into this abuse prevention and the cyber safety and the anti-bullying. Kind of how it’s the circle where all of this is just like entangled and you can’t touch more on without kind of touching the other.
What one person can do to make an impact and something that feels so big?
[11:27] You have to look at it like it’s this wheel. Each slice has a different thing. So there’s different areas within each of those things where a person can fit in. You just have to kind of what your wheelhouse is you’re laying on the track field.
[12:45] Non-profits cannot operate without funding, they just can’t. We operate on grants, we operate on people that are going to give. So if you’re a philanthropist, then please give to the organizations, give to the charities.
[13:59] If you’re a graphic designer reach out and say how can I donate my services and my time towards you?
[14:24] Those are small things, it’s also integral to making sure that the people that are running non-profits that are involved can continue to do what is it that God has called them to do and place them in these areas.
[16:59] If we could just come together and start to eliminate even just simple things, making sure the kids in these areas are being provided for and taken care of, we can help take away some of that vulnerability and then kind of stop that push that they feel from abusers and traffickers.
[20:45] Abusers and traffickers look for kids that are shamed. They will watch the playgrounds to look at, to find the kids that are ostracized and they will look for the ones that are in the foster care system and they will wait and they will groom them.
An Encouragement into a new season
[28:06] Changing the clock isn’t gonna magically make all of this go away and disappear. However, how we end one chapter is how we start the next.
[30:19] Keep moving forward and we’re going to do it stronger and it’s okay to be tired. Soldiers need to rest. It’s okay to rest. It’s okay to take time to grieve.
Key Quotes:
[9:25-9:32] “Prevention is so much easier to do than trying to fix and recover, and help and restore.”
Join Gena in her Facebook Group- Stunningly Strong
Gena's Instagram is Stunninglystrong.gena
Gena's Twitter is GenaBohl
Gena's Email is gena@stunninglystrong.com
Gena's Blog: https://wordpress.com/view/stunninglystrong.com
Product Purchases & organizations that support ending child trafficking:
https://migliving.com/atrogers (Natural, clean products for inside out for your physical health- percentages of all purchases support the cause)
https://www.horacioprinting.com/pages/our-impact (Vision planning for 2021- percentages of purchases support the cause)
https://www.a21.org/ (A21)
https://ourrescue.org/ (Operation Underground Railroad)
*some of the above links may be affiliate links, meaning I make a small commission on the sale at no extra cost to you*
Podcast: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifepodcast
Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup
Angie’s Coaching Menu: Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Podcast Episode Updates: https://angie.gr8.com/
Interested in learning how to start your own podcast? Take a look at this course to learn everything you need to know! Ppu.atrogers.com

Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
EP 4- Can Laughter Really Heal your Life? Never Underestimate Your Words Smile-How a Smile Changed this Stressed out Mom's Life. Pay attention and Pay it forward
In this episode of Wholly Made life, Angie shares a story from a while back and tells that we all need a little support and encouragement and how giving a smile, hug to people and letting them know that they’re important can change someone’s day. Listen to her, telling two heartwarming stories which will make your day.
Podcast: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifepodcast
Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup
Angie’s Coaching Menu: Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Interested in learning how to start your own podcast? Take a look at this course to learn everything you need to know! Ppu.atrogers.com
Tune in now!
[01:23] The story begins…
[01:28] There was a girl at a grocery store
[01:40] People are being rude and nasty to her
[01:50] I want to just let you know…
[02:00] I’m worried
[02:16] I’m going to call her
[02:29] She felt supported
[03:18] One more story
[03:20] One lady goes to church
[03:30] I love this church because…
[03:54] A powerful way to impact
Useful links:
- Take the quick "Wholly Made Life Assessment" here: https://form.jotform.com/203545066762053
- Have a question or comment? Email Angie here: atoninirogers@gmail.com
- Connect with Angie on FB: angietoninirogers_facebook
- Connect with Angie in her Facebook Community: facebook_group
- Interested in learning how to start your own podcast? Take a look at this course to learn everything you need to know! ppu.atrogers.com
If you enjoyed this episode of the Wholly Made Life Podcast, then make sure to subscribe to the podcast, and don't forget to give Angie a review. You can also take a screenshot of the episode and tag Angie in your Insta and Facebook stories.
*some of the above links may be affiliate links, meaning I make a small commission on the sale at no extra cost to you*

Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Bonus EP: Sticks and Stones, but Words Can Never Hurt Me? One Word Can Change Your Entire Year- How Professional Success Driven Moms Can Succeed in 2021 Using Focus Word
Welcome to 2021!! We made it!!!
Let's go into 2021 with Intention! What's your ONE WORD?
Write it down
Promise to your self
Vision statement
Power to shift the world around you, because spoken words create...
much like when God spoke creation happened. Think about this...
when I say “ have a great day” ...it’s passive. It implies that having the great day,
depends on whether the day is great. It gives the day the power.
Podcast: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifepodcast Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup Angie’s Coaching Menu: Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment Interested in learning how to start your own podcast? Take a look at this course to learn everything you need to know! Ppu.atrogers.com Welcome to 2021!! We made it!!! Let's go into 2021 with Intention! What's your ONE WORD? Write it down Promise to your self Vision statement What do u mean I need to give up my opportunity that I’ve worked years to finally get to? What do u mean start a podcast??? What in the world do I talk about? What? A group coaching program? What in the world? How? Who??? Ok but if it’s him you say yes and u just go The decade of pey- of the word I don’t believe the universe makes it happen I believe God blesses and favors his children in this universe and our words are the life and death- the power of our tongue
Power to shift the world around you, because spoken words create... much like when God spoke creation happened. Think about this... when I say “ have a great day” ...it’s passive. It implies that having the great day, depends on whether the day is great. It gives the day the power.
But when I say MAKE it a great day, it implies that you are active- YOU are doing something to make it Happen. It changes the perspective because now it’s empowered YOU to make it a great day versus wait on the day or allow the day or others or circumstances in your day to decide whether it’s gonna be great or not. It shifts the responsibility to you. For you to make choices to act, perceive, receive, & respond in a way that will keep you aligned with the goal (which is to make it a great day, or choose act or respond in ways that are not in alignment with making it a great day). Easy? No. Not always, but doable? Yes. Do you have to make different choices than you would if you were just having something instead of making something? Yep. when I say I’m having chicken salad for dinner that creates a different image in your head than I’m making chicken salad. You may ask me, oh where are you getting it? Versus if I’m making it, you immediately understand that I’m taking the action. You see not only do the words you say matter to you , but they matter to others around you. Words are used to create the outcomes we want & can be used to tear down. Our words have power. Everything comes from words. The world was created by the words “let there be”.... & our world has been divided & torn up by words...
Sticks & stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me? I call complete Bull on that. That’s such a lie. There were words spoken to me & about me that still today I fight against. Words like “fatty fatty 2 by 4, you can’t fit through the bathroom door”. To say those words, along with the ugly hateful words I said to myself when I was younger, over & over... became thoughts... perseveration thoughts that crept up every time I looked into the mirror- so overpowering that I even started to see something in the mirror that was NOT there. I started to see the words in the mirror in the form of an ugly “fat” “obese” “messy” “unloveable” girl . At one point I weighed 98 lbs & I literally & physically saw a 200 lb girl in the mirror. I did not regularly take pictures & I remember this one time, sophomore year, I saw a picture someone had printed out of us playing basketball- this skinny little girl with a French braid, pink shorts, and a flowered shirt. She was tiny. Cute. Y’all! It was me! I didn’t even believe it! I remember looking in the mirror & what I saw was not that girl in the picture. It was the the image I had created in my head that started with words that had been spoken to me that I had started to believe so much that it changed the way I physically saw the world...myself.
So I said all that to say- your words, my words... matter. the change of that one word, make versus have...can shift the entire focus or perspective and outcomes in either scenario could be different. Our words matter.
Make a conscious choice today to choose words that create life, love, joy, success,
belief in what’s good...
So many of you have told me your words for 2021... vision, passion, peace, exchange, believe, rest, & I pray that each of those words for you guide you & help you achieve all the things you & your family deserve this year! I pray it changes the outcomes for you.
So... my word for 2021... duh duh duh dahhhh!!! BECOME. Become the woman God has intended me to be. In all areas of my life. Become a better, more present, more intentional mother. Become the proverbs 31 wife. Become the leader I’ve been called to be. Become the woman who leaves a legacy worthy to be praised. Become the business owner. Become the one who loves hard. Become the one who can forgive with ease. Become the light in dark situations. Become the cheerleader & encourager for those around me.
You know my pastor has had me & 100s of women on this unbecoming journey. Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming something as it is about unbecoming everything that really isn’t you, so that you can become who you were intended to be in the first place. She said that when she got this vision of what this movement was/is... God said to her, I know who you are, but not who you are not. Gods asking me the opposite now- I know who you are not, but not who you are - not because HE doesn’t know who I am, but because I need to start now becoming who I am as he’s called me-as he’s intended for me to be... I’ve been on this journey of unbecoming the things I’m not, long enough. It’s time to become. There are places I’ve just sat back & said I’m unbecoming... well sister it’s time to become... you can unbecome but you need to be becoming too.
If you want to hear more about the unbecomingme movement by Pastor Stephanie Harrison, Take a look here at this link! http://unbecomingme.com/
I will always continue to unbecome those things that I’m not... perfectionism- undoing those critical words I believed for so long creating this monster that took hold of me for so many years... being able to recognize when those lies creep up & stopping those thoughts when they arise by speaking & thinking words that are in alignment with the truth. Unbecoming those words that caused me to see myself in the mirror & be as me to see myself as God sees me in the spirit instead- that’s work of intentionally repeating the words of truth verses lies I had heard. Other things, such as unbecoming the need to please people at the cost of not being true to what I’m being called to do, might be completely accomplished. Or at least for right now. But it’s a process. It’s a journey. With roads ahead, sideways, & turnabouts.
But during this process, during this journey, there also has to be action that moves you toward the becoming. You unbecome to become. You grow & learn every day to become. So the word for me, as I got it finally & clearly yesterday while I was in the shower saying God what is it???
Become. Daughter, become.
Now when I see that word, plastered everywhere for the next year, I will be moved to DO. To ACT. To be responsible & accountable to assess situations asking myself- is thing I’m about to say yes to gonna help me become the “blank” I need to be in that area or areas of my life? Did my words & actions & response to my husband just reflect that woman I’m saying I’m trying to become?
It helps to direct my thoughts, my reflection, my prayer, which then direct my actions.
Ladies! That’s my word! If you have t chosen your word fir this year, it’s never too late! Choose your word, & write it down! Put it everywhere! In your car, on your nightstand, on the screensaver of your phone, on your mirror... you want some sisters to help you in your accountability?? Some encouragement? Write it down in the review of this podcast & send me an email! Join our fb community. And sisters!!! I’m working on a Group coaching program!! I’d love to hear what YOU would find valuable in a small intimate group setting in this walk- this journey we will embark upon together. Give me your thoughts & feedback!
Finally once you have your word, I’m going to suggest you take it one step further. Write out your vision statement for 2021.
The Bible says to write the vision & make it plain. Our words matter. Write it down- create a vision board. If you need a little quick guidance take my wholly made life quick assessment! 6 simple questions just to get your thoughts flowing for each area of your life. Vision for your life in all area- how much do u wanna make? What’s your marriage like, what kind of mother are u? How and when r u hearing form god? Just write down 2-3 statements of change/growth you want to see in each of the areas in your life, & read it every day.
If you’re bold enough, claim your vision & make it public!! Write it & share it on your social- tag some sisters for accountability- tag me! We can do this thing called life together! |
If you liked the episode I’d be forever grateful if you subscribe & share the episode! Write a review & give me 5 stars so it can be shared with more women! You can do that here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholly-made-life-claiming-courageous-action-restoring/id1546957819?itsct=podcast_box&itscg=30200
Also join me on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/angie.toninirogers
I’d love to hear your WORD & feedback on what YOU would want to learn if you ever were in a group coaching program. This help me understand what people would want!
Send me an email here: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
*some of the above links may be affiliate links, meaning I make a small commission on the sale at no extra cost to you*

Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
BONUS EPISODE! How to REST with Intention New Year with Gigi Simmons- For the Busy Working Homemaking Mom Wife- Finding Peace in your every day life intentionally; Changing the Chaos in your daily calendar
Ladies! We are SO ready to enter 2021, are we not?! Today, I share a chat I had with my friend a few days ago, Gigi Simmons, about how we can REST our way into the next season, with intention and honey, we're gonna do it victoriously, OK?!
Podcast: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifepodcast
Community: http://bit.ly/whollymadelifefbgroup
Angie’s Coaching Menu: Email: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
Wholly Made Life™ Short Assessment: http://bit.ly/shortassessment
Interested in learning how to start your own podcast? Take a look at this course to learn everything you need to know! Ppu.atrogers.com
Ladies! We are SO ready to enter 2021, are we not?! Today, I share a chat I had with my friend a few days ago, Gigi Simmons, about how we can REST our way into the next season, with intention and honey, we're gonna do it victoriously, OK?!
This season has been a difficult one. 2020 has been a year that has brought about division, strife, difficulty, lies, and illness. However, it has also brought revelation, the need to practice discernment, love, peace, and it has allowed for a certain kind of rest. Gigi will talk about how she has been able to find that rest in such a tremulous season.
Contact Gigi here: https://www.instagram.com/sameolegigi/
Learn why resting our way into the next year is going to be the best way to enter our new season!
Useful links:
- Take the quick "Wholly Made Life Assessment" here: Wholly Made Life Short Assessment
- Have a question or comment? Email me here: angietoninirogers@gmail.com
- Connect with Angie on FB: https://www.facebook.com/angie.toninirogerstoninirogers_facebook
If you enjoyed this episode of the Wholly Made Life Podcast, then make sure to subscribe to the podcast, and don't forget to leave me a review. This is the BEST way you can show your support & love for me!
You can also take a screenshot of the episode and tag me in your Insta and Facebook stories, and I'll be sure to give you a shout out.
*some of the above links may be affiliate links, meaning I make a small commission on the sale at no extra cost to you*